Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)

The Gardener (fatrsfsfeys True life Adventures Hattiesburg American was heaw TW3 LAND tuaT Goren On Bridge (fnprrtiM ISSSt Br TV Clilrtia Trfla) Both vulneratle. South deals. NOSTH All VI42 7142 CUM AjN TlF OwZfoU aR AT I 1 DlO'P Asia aw? Alaska nzmxcua TiMta rUtUeiburg, MWtslppl PobUshed by Tlattleaburf American, Inn. 4. Andrews Harmon Editor Thos.

St. John Business Manager ii Filtered at Ml.U. Tt Office econd-clas matter ACROSS Shake with cold T. Asterisk 11. Procession 12.

Tspcnni solids 14. Humiliated 15. Source 17. Ceremony 18. Scarce 2a Rubber tree 21.

Summer Fr.) 21 Sea bird 33, Runaway 24 Abstain from food M. Suave 24 Pilot 23. Hale 20. of Troy 31. Tailless eat 32.

Rosponsi-bility S3. Nobleman 34. Rug 37. Country of Soviets: a bbr, SB. Grassy plot 30.

Tender 40. Camera lupport 41 Bui 44. Shirk 41 Tide 44. Paradise 47. Scatters DOWN 1.

Extra part 1 Custom 1 Angry AQ74 Solution el YsiWeday'e Ptol WEST EAST L. 1 Member of Th Associated rre Th Associated Press li entitled exclusively to the use for publication of all the local new printed In thl newspaper a meU as all AP new dispatches. AJ741 VKQJI Kl At VA1I7I1 Jit WAX? Double borUontal eordoa espalier AIIS AJ19H 4. Flow conuiner 8. Nether, lands corn mne 6.

Reparation T. Disdain SUBSCRIPTION RATE lUTTIESBl'BQ earrier cer week .25 south By lis month I 8.50 By earrler, 12 montn iu.w AAKQ10II 1 A A QUI AK1 Tr bidding; TRADE AREA fir Mail Mentha SSO One Year tM mi is BATES OITSIDE HATTIESBIRG TRADE AREA South Weet North Fast 1 spade Pa 1 no trump Pass MAMMOTHS One Month I MO Fass Fas Pass MM On Year 113 00 WAV T3 63UiV2 lT S. Opening lead: King of heart. Many bridge player are afflict I. Pulled apart a.

black 10. Symmetrical n. sun 11 Poor 19. Wtl XI Mountain lake 23. Source of linen 24 Charge 21 Curve 21 Urief 27.

Art of hold-In? 28. Kvaslre 23. Horses' working gear 11. Cut 11 Loaded 34 Antlered animal 33. Complement of a bow 38.

Youthful years 33. Ore deposit 31). Mark of sa Injury 41. Tablet j- ed with a strange compulsion to take discards at once, tho the opportunity to take uch discards may TELEPHONES Business Manager'! Ofc. JU 4-7SH Advertising Dept JU 4-8316 Classified Advertising 4-7312 CrmlnUnn Dent.

JU 4-7723 be available much later in the play. TTT" 4 1 aT In 17 -n" HWHLsawilJn-1. HM S- mi. Aiui SSBHV TiJjTTrS' fii psTit. U4 mw "7" pT TJfc -v By yielding to such Impulse, de News Room JtJ 3-0224 tT3 new clarer In today hand placed him HOME.

self In a position where he had to gues for hi contract and unfort Page Saturday, Octobar 13, 1956 unately went wrong. North had Just the minimum textbook requirement for hi one no trump response (6 points in Saturday Sermons high cardiO. South took no chances Saturday Review on being dropped and went all the way to four i-pades. North would have been under no compulsion to I think that knowledge of By MARY BOMBOY IDiteyfus are really busy with the carry on hsd South Jumped to but 43. Clear gala three spades.

to How T.me Flies! Room mothers most exciting plans to make this a named by Camp school teachers in "Fbotball Spectacular They are the third week in October 1932: featuring Mississippi Southern, of West opened the king of hearts Oreek thoupht and life, and of the arts In which the Creeks expressed their thought and sentiment. Is essential to high culture. A man may know everything else, but without and South ruffed the continuation. "Mrs. Bullards room Mrs.

Ernest course! The Dixie Darlings will pa- When trumps failed to break, de 2 Gridiron espalier 3 Bethea and Mrs. C. I- up and down the tables Tern clarer left the high spade out this knowledge he remains ignorant) Mis Perry's room Mrs. James Lee Dolls in authentic Dixie Daring The World of Nature standing and cashed three rounds of clubs, discarding a diamond. He Buchanan and Mrs.

Alexander ur-Tegana complete witn noots ana sil-rle; Miss RUcys room Mrs. Robertlver batons Floats are the clev- then tried the fines.se of the dia- mond oueen. which went to West's! Myers; Miss Reynold' room-Mrs. jensst you'll see and these girls have By joilv frazier I I t. T1.An.ni..r,n'f 'iL'rirV, im fllllT.

1a Mf Anr- deco- kintf Declarer suDsefiuentiy nan nKvmu, ana, i nnuj of the best Intellectual and mora! achievement of his own race. Charles Eliot Norton. There eannot be found In the animal kingdom a bat, or any other creature, so blind in Its own range of circ*mstance and connec- ratied cars WTave in and out through give up a trick to Fast Jack and room Mr. Randolph Smith; Mrs. thn MSO helmets and bags of pea (Conservationist.

MMsiljipl Southern College) REPTILE HIBERNATION The season for hibernation is ap- suffered a on trick set. eagles room-mrs. wnnie inomp: th BrfnHii in. 'son: Miss Berrv'S room Mrs. J.

nuts with black and gold streamers as southern Canada. In ease of the more northerly species, they have to hiberate on account of both temperature and food. Their period of hibernation Is much longer than that of warmer climate forms. Moft snakes have found their winter home before the first killing frost reaches their re formation that the play of the ten! Askew; Mis Gladys Lee's room be favors for "nibblln" on the Mrs. C.

C. Hlrhtower; Miss they're tagged "Nuts to tion, as the greater majority of proftctunR. iw process iuwrna- human beinps axe In the bosoinltniK Is practiced by many animals' ton's room Mrs. B. XV.

Curry; Mrs. Southeastern." Unit live two or more years, yet; of their families. Helen Hunt Jaekva Messer's room-Mrs. C. B.

Patter- There will be three more buffets son; Miss Grace Lee's room-Mrs. October 20 and 27th and the final have no provision for maintaining HCtlve life during the adverse clr- gion. In warm climates no hiber Chester Lyons." oni November 3rd. On October 27 Oreatneu, after all, In spite of of winter. The chief a name, appears to be not so reason why any animal hibernates nation Is nece.vary.

Already the snakes of the north "Mrs. Dudley Conner was th're will be a dance following the welcomed as a new member of the beginning at 10 and lasting of diamonds would have on the hand. South In pointed out that If East had held the king and West the Jack, the finesse of the ten would have been fatal, that he a up against an out and out guess. Neither of the disputants thought of the superior play. That the odds favor split honors is clear cut; that Is to say, the chances favor the king and Jack of diamonds being in different hands.

In view of this consideration. much a certain size as a certalnjscems to be that the temperature duality in human lives. It may too low for the adequate' func- Mentor Club at the meeting hem till 2. The Gold Notes will play Friday afternoon with Mrs. Martin Reservations must be made In ad- 'Honing of his body or his food rresent in Uvea whose range Is very Stemme, who entertained at the.vauce for the buffet but are not ern part of the United States and the higher altitudes of the Rocky Mountains and the Applachaln Mountains are under cover.

Those in the Gulf States may still be active but will be hidden away soon. Sites chosen by snakes are usual pretty yellow stucco home of her! required for the dance, smau. Phillips Brooks, supply bf-comei Insufficient, There mav be other reasons. The word hibernation simply brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and C.

B. and Betty Farrior attended Mrs. Joe Ben Pack, on Twenty-first Avenue, Park Haven. "Mr Tnnti the showing of the new Buick Mon Belgian fence espalier To promise not to do a thing Is the surest way In the world to make a body want to go and do that Is not (rood Doltcv to seek a dis day in Atlanta They were means winter sleep. is derived from the Latin word "hibernus" which means winter.

There Is a difference between ordinary Bleep and the long, profound sleep of winter. ly spaces not otherwise occupied under the ground or under objects on the ground which offers them card of one of South' diamonds presided. Mrs. Martin Stemme. treated to a Broadway show while By SARAH GILLESPIE The modern home with its long very thing.

Mark Twain. but rather to retain two entries in jo? bch miu wu. ivia.Kuvi,i.clnei'e. the North hand to provide two fl-ICalhoun Komp and Mrs. Zehnderj pob and Mary Morrison left While this differs In different types nesfies In that suit.

By leading once were namea to wrne me nisiory Thursday for Lynchburg, Virginia of anlmsila, it covers a season in eomea, but wisdom sleek lines ls here to stay and gardeners should follow the trend In architecture by giving their plants the modem look. Knowledge lingers. to the aueen of clubs and subse the club for the special edition of where they will visit their'daughter, the Hattiesburg American which ls'Mxrr Virginia Marv Vlrirlnia quently overtaking the king of Tennyson. beh-g published in obverance of the 'is freshman at Randolph-Macon clubs, declarer acquires those two. stead of a day or night period.

Certain hibernating mammnls such as chipmunks and gophers wake up on warm days of winter and eat r.tored food. Other warm-blooded The functional type home with adequate protection from the cold and other hazards. In rocky regions, spaces, under ledges of rocks are commonly chosen. The larger snakes Uhiially choose large openings where several can be accommodated. In limestone regions small caves are a favorite sue.

In mountainous areas snake dens have been found containing a few hundred individuals and several entries. He first finesses the nine Difference of religion breeds more of diamonds, and when this drives Biiuiniooi v. iaiia reccnuy pieaea ui wmega. tiesburg. Mary Sue Neill of Greenwood and "After the napkins were passed a Junior at Ole Miss spent last by Patty Sue Pack, wee daughter) weekend with the Harris Sullivan, large unbroken wood, brick of masonry areas can be enhanced greatly by the use of a long known but seldom seen device.

branches, and the removal of surplus branches would cause large unsightly wounds up and down the main branch. The young plant may be started with one or several leaders depending on the pattern the gardener wishes. For the first few years staking or tying will be essential. Place cleats against the wall or fence so that the plant can be tied four to eight inches away from the solid surface. This provides air space and will result in a healthier plant with better foliage placement.

Also it gives an interesting shadow pattern and adds apparent depth to the planting. Avoid tying with wire as this will result in burns In our cli- of the home, Mrs. Pack assisted ner Harris Jr and Mary Sue attended Espalier is a method of special quarrels than difference of politics. Wendell Phillips. Tia strange what a man may do.

and a woman yet think him an an-geL Thackeray. the Ole Muss-Houston game in sister in serving a saiaa course wun coffee to the following members: training long used in European and out the king he reenter dummy to repeat the finesse. WIEKLY BRIDGE Ql'IZ ISSS: By Th hlr Trlbui Q. 1 As South you hold: AA 2 9 7 8 5 3 AK AK 10 8 4 The bidding has proceeded: animals remain asleep throughout the winter. They Include polar bears, badgers, akunk and others.

They live on the stored fHt in their bodies. Their weights are greatly reduced during the period of hibernation. In case of warm-blooded anl- It seems to be a custom among to return to their old winter home year after year. It Is also known that snakes may travel Mesdames Dudley Conner, Bill Anderson Bruce Campbell, Harry Frank H. Ford, Pat Fowler, Stanton A.

Hall, Marguerite Calhoun Komp. Pratt Moseley, Veron Jackson. Harris attended Mississippi Southern for two years, then transferred to Ole Miss where he received his LLB in September. He is in his father's office until he is called Into service. Haxris took ROTC In college and Oriental gardens.

Designed originally for fruit trees it can be applied to many of the plants grown here. Many large European gardens are surrounded by high brick walls, these invariably being devoted to South West North Fst What Youth deemed crystal, Age.mnls, which includes birds and finds out was dew mnmmRls, the body temperature is Morn set a-snarkle, but which reduced to a very low degree, es-i Prldgen, Eual Schwartz. Louis Zehn 1 heart Pa.ss 2 heart Pass What do you bid now? der, Misses Louise Paula Dreyfus, ls a SPCond lieutenant. He will go Amelia Moseley and one guest, Mrs. jnto Counter Intelliecnce school in noon quick-dried.

Figure one shows a double hoiyi: zontal cordon espalier. Plants also I can trainpd In sinple. trinln nr 1 a few miles from their summer activities and breeding to occupy the hibernating den. How far they may wander and be able to return Is not known. man-made homes Snakes seem to accept man-made Browning.

pccmlly if the sleep is to last all winter. Breathing Is almost imperceptible and the pulse rate is slow and difficult to detect. Only one bird has ever been found hibemat- Inn Tt it a rrtr--uri In Dm Kttlth. Chester Ward." Maryland. Alice Hackney and Jlmmle The Country Club is planning Dalei Hidfr icft Friday for Stark- Q.

2 As South you hold: AJ 6 J3 4AKJ 10 7 AKQ 8 5 Tlie bidding has proceeded: South West North Past anotner "i-ooioau uui oaUruay)vll! th attending Mis- homes Just as readily as those pro Accidents will occur In the best-regulated families. Dickens. Though we may think we are specially blest pass One hundred ten attended state Homecoming as 1 diamond 1 heart Pass 7 What do you bid now? more horizontal leaders depending on the height of the background. This type is effectively used against loner, low spaces. Figure two shows a TJ form or gridiron espalier.

This is practical for tall narrow spaces. The number of trained limbs again is limited by the space to be filled. Figure three shows the Belgian vided by nature. What they want for the winter sleep or period of dormancy is protection. The man the last one supper win of Jmy Sanders nnd served beginning at six clock nnd both ot Hattiesburg.

Fnl purl I lllr imuuhuiuh, It is a relative of our Chuck-Will's Widows and the The cold-blooded animals have (mnpr(itiir lint kIhiva that at the first bus leaves for Faulkner; They will be feted at the KA lunch- We are certain to pay tat the favors ner of origin Is of little nil East-West vulnerable and neiQ Bl r.JU JOU lltu th. Kfaffl.TrlnftB crm. The Camp Shelby experience be plans to attend you'll i'm am vrwi hnlrl' Imacle I I 1 1 and a dance ni hvi i iinii tween the first and Second Wars AKO 10 8 3 tf 7 4 2 4 10 fl 3 JLA I leo nioiirc, cnairnmn, itv sorry. ira iiiimrc, cuiuiiwn, i.r,- nn. v.

erly llulett, Corrie Turner and trained fruit. The wall offers protection from frosts when the trees are blooming. Brick or stone houses, too, often support trained fruit trees and the entire aide of a house may be covered by one pear tree. The training of fruit trees ls essentially French, and the terms cordon, meaning cord or rope, and espalier, taken from epaulet or shoulder strap, come from this language. The English terms fans and gridiron are modified terms of the espalier.

The training of ornamental shrubs and small trees against fences or walls is ideally suited to present day gardens of limited area and modern style. A current trend in landscape design is toward more open functional areas, and in many instances fewer plants. Vines can be used very effectively in such gardens, but there are many shrubs which are suitable for use against flat surfaces with far less training and care than vines require. The best plants to us In this The bidding has proceeded: Mary Alice recently pledged Sigma we get. John Oodfrey Saxe.

The savage In man is never quite eradicated. ThoremL Stand upl Stand up for Jesus Hymn by Oeorge Duffleld. fence espalier, which ls best for large areas where a number of plants can be used. The first step in espalier work 1 (Continued on Page 9) Sigma Sigma, and Jimmie Dale wmcn Uiey wuuw urtvc. in mmic ca.ses this is about tlie freezing point of water.

Their temperature is usually slightly above that of the immediate surroundings. WINTER HOME OF SNAKES Reptiles, being cold-blooded animals, thrive better in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Some have nrn iftHnntArl in ihm tni njpm tj VNtf7 PRINTED PATTERN EASIER FA STFR MORE ACCURATE DROODLES By Roger Price Tis heaven alone that Is given away; t.ones end are found as fr north Tis only Ood may be had for the asking. Lowell. North East South west 1 diamond 2 clubs 2 spades Pass 4 spades 5 clubs What do you bid now? Q.

4 As South you hold: AQ 8 2 9 6 4A KJ 10 9 7 6 2 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass Pass lclub 1 spade What do you bid now? Q. As South you hold: A 7 6 3 10 AAK 6 2 AK 9 7 3 2 The bidding has proceeded: East South West North heart Pass 2 hearts Double Pasa What do you bid now? Q. 6 As South you hold: AA 10 7 2 JA 4Q 10 7 4 AQ 9 7 2 will illustrate this point. During World War I many buildings were erected at the camp having concrete foundations and floors. After that war the camp was abandoned and the frame buildings were removed or fell to ruin.

The concrete foundations and floors In many Instances there were openings between the concrete floors and the ground that offered protection for snakes of the area. The diamond-back rattle-xnakes in particular made use of these hibernntlng sites. Over the years a great number of diamond-backs used these accommodations without attracting hardly any attention of local people. Tills seems to be a habit of all snakes to seek their winter homes as quietly and safely as possible. Few of the sites are located or known of by the people generally.

When Camp Shebly was reacti Olve a little love to a child and you'll get a great deal back. John Ruskln. Youth, large, lusty, loving Youth, full of grace, force, fascination. pledged Delta Zeta. Ernestine Lowery and Brownie Jones- attended the wedding Oct.

6 of Carolyn Gamer nd George San-ford in the Jacksonville Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Fla. Carol rn is the daughter of Cecil and Sue Garner of Hattiesburg and Jacksonville. Carolyn is a graduate of Mississippi Southern, and the reception following the wedding was held in the home of another Southern graduate. Mrs. Gileon Brannon, the former Elizabeth Bustin.

Jan tt McLln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. XV. Petty, 215 Rebecca rankej as one of the four highest of a class of 700 when she took her entrance examination in English at Northeast Louisiana State. Janet is listed in the top ten per cent to the nation.

A 1955-56 graduate Hattiesburg High, Janet attributed her knowledge to her high 4 Do you know that Old Age may come after you, wtlh equal grace, locality are pyracantha, C. Japonlca or C. sasanqua, lantana, magnolias, fruit trees and any plant freely producing laterals even from old wood. It must be able to thrive under the severe pruning and training necessary to prevent it from assuming its inherent form and size. Usually espaliered plants are used against a parmanent background.

However, they may be used in the center of the garden as long as a support is given until the plant ls force, fascination? Walt Whitman. Tt is as fatal as it Is cowardly to The bidding nas proceeded: West blink facts because they are not Football will soon replace Politics as the nation's favorite sport, so here is a short refresher course a list of important football terms Pass l)sWMWSJSJSBt 71 vated in 1940, the old concrete North East South 1 heart Pass 1 spade 1 no trump Pass What do you bid now? to our taste. John Tyndall. several years old. The old axiom "as the twig ls Darwinian Man, though well-be Q.

7 As South you hold: AAJ 62 9296 AKJ 10 4 school English teachers. In Hatties- burg Janet was secretary of the Senior Class and in the dramatics club. She ls majoring in The bidding has proceeded: South West Pass Pass East Pass ra. North 1 diamond 2 diamond bent so is the tree Inclined" is certainly applicable to this type of ornamental pruning. The gardener who wishes to grow plants in this manner, must make up his mind of doing the correct thing at the proper time or the project will be a complete loss.

A greet advantage of the espaliered plant ls that it occupies much less space than the aame plant 1 spade 3 clubs mm with their meanings: (1) Fighting Irish Cops directing traffic outside stadium. (2) Flying tackle player who owns airplane. (3) Intercepted pass what happens when you didn't realize the big guy sitting next to the blonde was her husband. (4 Rose Bowl Christmas rush with banners. (5) Quarterback what you never get when you give the Hot Dog Man a halfa buck.

(6) Line of scrimmage directly in front of Ticket Window. (7 Boomalaeka, boomlacka, rax rickety rack, lyrics to new Rock Roll English in college and ls continu-i ling dramatics, has Joined The Writers Club, which is quite an for a freshman. Her invita Pass 5 clubs What do you bid now? blocks of the building floors had to be removed. Many men, including college students, were employed to break the concrete with sledge hammers. In this process many diamond-bneks, as well as other species, were lound under the concrete.

Many were killed by the workmen. As spring and summer came on, many of the snakes left their homes for the summer. During their absence the home was deatroped. SMALL SNAKES AND LIZARDS The burrowing snakes, the small forms, and the lizards seem to be satisfied with small hiding places that accommodate only one, or at the most only a few individuals. Small holes in the ground below the frost line or under debris will suffice.

Hallow trees and loose bark make good homes. Most reptiles, snakes, lizards, and grown in its usual manner. haved. At best is only a monkey ahaved. W.

S. Gilbert. Silence Is no certain token That no secret grief is there; Sorrow which Is never spoken Is the heaviest load to bear. Frances HavergaL Life Is a struggle but not a warfare. John Burroughs.

Many loves of many a mood and many a kind. Fill the life of man, and mold the secret mind. Bwinburne. AH experience Is an arch, to build tpon. Henry Brooks Adami It 1 highly desirable to begin with a young plant and start the training at once.

Older bushes number. rarely have suitably piacea tion came as a result of her high rating- in English. Her husband, Arnold McLln, is a native of Monroe. He is a Junior at Northeast Louisiana State and a music major. He attended Carey Collegti last year, and he and Janet were married this past summer.

Also; attending Northeast is Mrs. Paul Williams, the -former Louise Rice of Hattiesburg. Louise ls a Hattiesburg High graduate and Is a college Her husband is a senior. Q. 8 As South you hold: AA 5 VK 5 4Q 9 8 2 XQJ 9 3 2 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East lclub Pass 1 diamond Pass What do you bid now? (Answer to these question will appear on Monday.) FISH FRY TONIGHT BENEFITS CHURCH BUILDING FUND 1 vmm Lhnm TTl I SIZES I I turtles are fat now and ready for the lone winter's sleep known as QJJ 0 1 hibernation.

limy I PRINTED PATTERN Mrs. John XV. Gordon. 315 Rebecca had three of her five 60 s'mple, a child can do this Our new PRINTED PATTERN home lut wepk. Malnr Earl Religions, as they grow by lsws out of man's life, are by whatever modifies his life.

Walter Pater. 6 embroidery! Fight to the inch cross stitch motifs add color to iin j'our favorite clafsic style! Jaun-jK-jjubbrt Gordon of Riverside, 11 i I 1 771 A fish fry will be held 6:30 tonight at the utility house of Mt. Olive Baptist Cliurch (colored. Proceeds will go to the church building fund. kitchen towels make the per-Ifect shower, gifts.

ty collar; bodice witn graceiui yose; iCgUr Aifrw of Helena, generous pockets on the flare skirt Bob 0 Memphis spent several This shirtwaist dress is a wonder-dayJ here nd fnjoved golfing at fut fashion any season-in three cmntrv ciuh Thev comment- CURRENT BEST SELLERS (Compiled Publishers' Weekly) HCTION DON'T GO NEAR THE WATER. W.lliam Brtnkley. A CERTAIN SMILE. Francolse SagRn. THE LAST irURRAH, Edwin O' Connor.

Tim MANDARINS, Simon de Sunday School ls at 9: m.jgiffve versions! ii ed especially as to the improved 4550: Mlves 20; 40. Size Sunday; BYPU at 3:30 p.m. Printed Pattern Circle No. 3 will meet in the home Sizes 12. 14.

16, greens. Bob's wife, the former Ilia Rhea Eaton of Hattiesburg. visited Pattern 7140: Transfer of six different motifs, each about 44 8 inches. Beginner-easy embroidery! Send TWINTr-FIVE t'LNTS in coins for this pattern add 8 cents for each pattern for Ist-clas mailing. Fend to Tlie Hattiesburg American Newspaper, 227 Household Arts Dept.

P. O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11. N.

Y. Print piainiv NAME. ADDRFSS, ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER, Two FRfT: pattens printed In our ALICE BROOKS Needle-! of Esther Mae Walker on Country Club Road at 7:30 pra. Monday; Circle No. 1 meet at 2 m.

Wednesday in tlie home of Be mice Mc-Nalr. The billing Workers Sewing Club Mwaes with Wllnwr and Doits Eaton on Directions printed on each tissue pattern part. Easy-to-use, aaures perfect f.t cmm lord aRd huj. n-f Kr rt ilTs nd. Major Oliver Hord, with their pie to sew, is tested for I.t 10, Ann, 8, and Patience, that blending of moral courage with physical timidity.

Thomas Hardy, A race that binds Its body in chain and calls them Liberty, And calls each fresh link progress. Robert Buchanan. The rule of Joy ar.d the law of duty seem to me all one. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Bore: A person who talk when you want him to listen.

Ambroee B.erce. 1 I I I I Prist Lbs SURPiUSE 1XSWEH children (Oliver Jr, f-tmr ra crraffln irrn ri.i in.v 1 8) spent a wonderful "few meets at 3 pm. Monday in the home of Mattie Lee Weathersby, 9CC Butler Ave. Tin piustor, Rev. E.

L. Jones, asks Beauvoir, A SINGLE PEBBLE. John Hersey. NO.VF1CTION rROFTLiS IN COURAGE, John Kennedy. EISENHOWER.

THE INSIDE STORY, R.bert J. Donovan. ARTHRITIS AND COMMON SENS'E, Pun A'etsnder. THE NUN'S STX)RY. Kathryn Hulme.

LOVE Oil rETUSH, Smiley for this pattern-add 5 cents for' each pattern for lst-class mailing Cilllani this week. The Hord have Send to ANNE ADAMS, care of been stationed in Frankfort, Ger-Hattlesbur? American 115 Pafern many, for the past years, and all tithing members to be present Unscramble the 4 set of letter, making a word of each jumble. Print each word, a letter to a square, beneath each jumble The letters you have printed cn the cirried square may then be arranged to spell the $urjrut answer suggested by the eartocn due What is it? (.,. rt en leterU4j' tar a inky AjJ0 whn tRC9t UKknCvtn craft bock stunning designs for yourself, for your home Just for you, our readers! Dvt.s of other to order etwy. fascl- tonight in Kmvv neim lit r.Rve rpanfa ir.e rj mum rduealiton has for it object the rstinsr J-ndrf-Wnrkt Grand Canron In Anson wn es- York 11.

N. Y. Frir.t Mainly. advantages from their experiences. tablished-M a national park 13-1 NAME, ADDRFSS with including the chudren have 12 MSIZE and SILTE MMBIR.

iufii ctt paji ill ifor copy of Ui4 wondtifa: 'pock riiht awaj'l I formation of character. Herbert Spencer,.

Hattiesburg American from Hattiesburg, Mississippi (2024)


What famous person is from Hattiesburg Mississippi? ›

Tom Malone

Tom Malone was born on 16 June 1947 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA. He is an actor, known for The Blues Brothers (1980), Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) and Sister Act (1992).

What is the ethnicity of Hattiesburg MS? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Hattiesburg, MS are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (51.5%), White (Non-Hispanic) (40.2%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.2%), Two+ (Hispanic) (1.78%), and White (Hispanic) (1.13%).

Is Hattiesburg expensive to live? ›

Hattiesburg's housing expenses are 31% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 7% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 2% lower than the national average. Hattiesburg has grocery prices that are 3% lower than the national average.

Why is Hattiesburg famous? ›

In the 1960s, Hattiesburg was one of the largest hubs of activism and a key location for the Freedom Summer campaign, which aimed to register African American voters in Mississippi. Local civil rights activists such as Fannie Lou Hamer, Amzie Moore, and Dr.

Who is the most famous resident of Mississippi? ›

Elvis Presley is among the most famous Mississippi celebrities who lived between 1935 and 1977. He was an American singer and actor who rose to fame in 1954 and was later nicknamed the King of Rock 'N' Roll. Throughout his career, Presley recorded over 700 songs, including Hound Dog, Love Me Tender, and All Shook Up.

What is the cheapest place to live in Mississippi? ›

Where is the most affordable place to live in Mississippi? With an average home value of $111,012 and a cost of living almost 14% below the U.S. average, Meridian is the most affordable place to live in Mississippi.

What is the most expensive city to live in Mississippi? ›

The priciest city in Mississippi is Hattiesburg, where the cost of living is 4% higher compared to the state average and 10% lower than in the rest of the U.S. The cheapest major city in Mississippi is Tupelo, with a cost of living 4% lower below the state average and 17% lower than the national average.

What football player lives in Hattiesburg Mississippi? ›

Well, I do know the future Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre lives there and I have had a wish fulfilled by currently being in Hattiesburg on part of a trip with my dad.

Was there a Civil War battle in Hattiesburg? ›

'The Greatest Event in Hattiesburg's History'

That protest landed the activists in jail. The United Daughters of the Confederacy inscribed on the monument that its purpose was to honor “the memory of those who wore the gray.” But neither Hattiesburg nor Forrest County existed at the time of the Civil War.

Who is famous from Yazoo City Mississippi? ›

Many other Yazooans have achieved national recognition: Stella Stevens, a Hollywood movie star; Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author; Haley Barbour, a former chairman of the National Republican Party; Mike Espy, former Mississippi Congressman and United States Secretary of Agriculture; and Willie Brown, former ...

What famous person is from Natchez Mississippi? ›

Alexander O'Neal. Alexander O'Neal was born on 15 November 1953 in Natchez, Mississippi, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Black Mirror (2011), Fatale (2020) and Alexander O'Neal: Criticize (1987).

Is anyone famous from Laurel, Mississippi? ›

Laurel has been the birthplace of many who would rise to great celebrity including Lance Bass of the pop group NSYNC. It was the childhood home of world-renowned opera legend, Leontyne Price.

Why is Hattiesburg the birthplace of rock n roll? ›

Hattiesburg was the site of a historic series of recording sessions by Mississippi blues, gospel, and country performers in July of 1936, including Roosevelt and Uaroy Graves (both as a gospel duo and as part of the Mississippi Jook Band with Cooney Vaughn), the Edgewater Crows, the Gold Star Quartette, Rev.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.