III II III dill -yiatu- THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY TUESDAY, JAMJART 4, 1881. so item I fsm Smrn 5ffmise ferranis Wanted. Otompnions, ftmtsetoprs, Arsons airfel persons Wanted. by fates im tirftcn. aks btj gUrfiatt.
NdMSK GIRL. om 12 to 14 sears om Office. 2 A aai0 oefi Tvrflon rot hrei A BLE GIRL Wanted, mic B)fe-ApWmPark-road midale aged person 3rft5 Wtehai MQTmtagroagJVoM 3iab T'ITCHEN GIRL, to bvc in. Ap: PflhaMrant. 33.
Hftnover-rtregt uff ANTED a smart willing Girl as Gem AnK II. Mdalatrecrthdowrv TTT ANTED, a rcsp-ictable General SERVAM road, Tuehrok pvrypAT, SF vTn VY anted a rentable Gri Gahnnt -Apply S3 St TamwacA WANTED immbateiy, 22d'aa4 320. Kenan ton lodge Prycot-road. Fairfl id 7aj GTR about 17. Applv ft 73 YT5T ANTED ft Rt'on'T rira off Eathcnne-sfrcrt M-ct Blandv, 1 Falne -ro cpf4TD is required at 6 xOr xent.e-A family Scotch Kyno ft RnbVnlsrt FTeERAILEVAXri oo pombrntf-nloce rrrtTOPOu7fH PLa COG reour-'i for Gnti nvs fo to Sin.
Kyr.roo, BoH-plae 2 Pnv ro uaoe, good' COO'F-3 Pta-n cooks Waitro-s 3 'e-ViorjrTnTiS'WAGES Wanted, a orou oily cvperv- cwOa enced Cook. Protestant Apply at Mrs yy for a com-jrtarI PmbTokc-pla wo. 4 drawn A i mVD.T prL. a 153, Mrmy-yvv oald expencceil 25. reaiy offic-.
c.ioop.yyr mRr. a-21 13, Protestent, good tem par tl (j JjXt i- ednmted. EOOd nedieworoag "V'JV entire r.reen, Eonn if- a Eikbert-stieet. Ercrron. cliofeSifu "3 Grxyl srlarv tty GOVrP.NESS Wnti-d in Fat' man's ivnly Great or--rtret Drawing Taunt a p-vate gien Mercury-office.
jrsT rOO J. CCrtifl-iatod Adrecs 1 mzA? rilR Zidjeyjla Term' t'hw of fi. rn-n L-rrr 4 -or Lta-at re, has zczrstime ouenssei--A-- -iX Pulli' hol in to'vn. Mr Vt rir is YtcivI a Sftiary 3 -r a 0 CV En I -h Frei fterc -chool d-ck w.tb small P-, -t -A rotru a Vo ft'W Teach Jumrs in ft School A 4m' Prh 'Tnlf' JO ddie-clasa (-tv -o 5y puil2) Pr.ce S0 -Affiy te.tr vr-k'n 1 street GE1MAV, FP.rV Lessons firone-crj r. nr S.
LATIV o.R G.FPK Vr rCK rate 7 A Gentieman Anar ppp ft e'TfcNHoPR-Sl French, ar-d Latin L-cons, by rxoy rI ev. t.I-j P- Qt ihu, 7 A I hu, a Cj tiiree little sto saKr? reon red Afdrs lc' on acniLT'tna, reterec, Mrrcu 7wai.io:; pil red igaoi risi on reoucel ti rtes le risttr.p prc-Vysoro -A 111. VLrJ- HTOL.NG dv 16, tetJB Engftce-nHit 1 YouiJg CrJdren ccmT-rtahte uoire sahw ss Tnn Poofficf resirv T-. IOXANOFORTE AND a Tl'CCh'S Vacant attena tn rer or piJ- attended IS, iterland-torrace Uv no a Yo rf7 I aIy dco an EngftgeTv-mtfts Jun.or A hml oo! Salary 2 per annum A por office Box 205, LaVcrrool Si'terintendent. V.
r1ftC'' ffnri'BrtffiW r- SCrlOOL-A rrencs anJ. Gi-rmr i (. f-' Wanted Happy heme CaJ at two or rai.e to rs rtreet J-. S-jrnvEBVEtS Wanterfso.s; rry-2 Ii S-hool) must hare he.d a af; tia' sal -V s- Pyhns a nc, rODNG Lay 'certiStfttori neizhvtO-irhOO 1 Cla.unton Eng fib 22 Oti or. -SirANTED aDiiiV 504 ERNE-- --Of It S', i to ten f-Miaror, arjrkstj.
25 l2. i Ls-'v esDi nred in teaewng elertrea a Dft-y a roerf Lsn-a-es. o-ts: and draratg T-ro. 1, -1 59 tier' n-sveer --4 AamraG a. fOmiI2? or -lv.
o-ierat. A'Shn 1 ltro0rEgn a ifii. Mercury-omre. flehool Ai15 ftlEMPORARV Ersirageinnt i Frer'h Protestant Lady, c-irr Mllf Cr.ir.'- Cert -i -sc for beginners. A first-rate at two Prr.fwnr Wilson Rostas? n-strroc-.
onea to 2 A Fnsemeat for a Jls-, M-reo, or IcfanA- ddrea.XS.M re r--office ASriPoRTE PLAYING Tn Terras moderate -Apply Hy AEEe.reci.a--n- sM cqt ipr ilpr-fcrsQt. rvdghi1. fcht by IVERPCL yDUC AGEGk Pr.n'r Li PYBUS S. Roles rt. feoiools and Fxnu.oj eScAnt Tutors and Governesses, free of era ww-- ANTED, an Assirtant MATFRfor hara-.
va aibSllfFLJ Green, Wsoi" acc stomed to in Cu lJren mJs.c. and drawiae Gohi references, a-y modera-e i7. Mvrirorv-effice and Governesses w.fcro it any lA, Fmred. CT Jto 1 thi-tee-l EPSl-'b home. CI at two protesror miaou, 6 E-ut -STO or rfTCGHTOV A Lair har.nr an er Clau-hton v-eires 'or af-erayn English icort 1 22 Vprrure--''' a wirifift-ed ounc Ldy.
sed ccwsecv 5 A iS'rosees an opening maCentiemar, as A -Addree. 92. Mere, rr-o GGVERNESSor r-- 3 and fMtuLes attended -c-'. Upper Stannopi sree DY 119) Wants -u :1 sh French, M.c on goota -d jirwn? Wou': drawing a.n: months services for first-0 aa? nrtnctiOn i-li'l a tiered art.nmtic 36. Mos-i-road.
VU ANTED tv.o xespcctablo ROYS. Apply Daily News Dale-3tre't 4jal0 RcsptctableBOY Waited, Apply to Chari ea F. Inaton, 25, South John-street, 4jaS DRAUGHTSMAN -a Youth able to make Tracings of Machinery Lc dress 10 Mercurv-oSce. 4jal0 LASTERERV and Plumbers BOY Wanted -J. Potts, builder, Sepfr mber-rood, oft Lower Breck-road.
TTTAXTED, a good TAILORES. one who can -work button holes. Apply 22, Bi idprt-street D' Wanted, serett! goo 1 Assistants and Apprentices Apply Moss TVrer, 82, Pcmbroke-pluce WANTED, an active BOY. Wfiqs 8s per week, Wm. Porter, 61, Hamtlton-street, Birkephead.
DOT TRADE Wanted, a lespectal-l-i oung Girl cs Apprentice not under 16 Appli 1P0 Mili-iteep 4mlb ANTED, a smart BOi', 5s. Krect week, 4SRt halkner-4ja6 ANTED, a steady pushing Young WOMAN, to Manage Fish and Fnultry Shop. 43e, Falkner-fitreet 4jal0 W'ANTFiD, Intel igaat GIRLS just leaving scbool Apply to PftWimbles and On stationers 8 Paradise-street, ANTED, areanectai 1c Young Person as BARMAID Apply at 8, Hnughton-strest. 4ja6 B1 OOT TRADE Wanted, a good Choker. Apply to L.
1 Gtnori. 38. mbroke-place 4ja6 TED, an Pipenenccd WAX RES3. Apply Gait, 75, Lord-strtet. 4ja6 SrortNG Lady Wanted as WAITRESS A knowledge of A the business nor required 4 Great Georpe-stieet r0 HOKSESho*r8.
Wanted, a steady, good Foreman. JL rply qt 2, Vulcan afreet. W- ANTEI) two gooi MEN to lay Encaustic and Plain Tiles Pie work Apply 1, Orterd-road Bootle HATTERS -Wanted, a Shopman uhn can me the iron and keep st ck. -Address 58, Mercury oTo 4ial0 'ANTED, a sharp strong LAD, living Toxtotli George MAlligter, 59, South Castle-street ANTED, a YOUTH for the Bar i No 1. Veaco*k-atreet, off Homby-rtreet wed lb.
Apply 4jaS W- ANTED in a Merchants Office a respectable Lad as OrFrCE BOY Address Mrcun -office 3ju5 w- ANTED, an active LA about 16 or 18 C4ood char cter and steady. Adifress 92. Jeroury-office 3ia5 ANTED, a good ACCOl NTANT and WEIGHT-TAKER Address 88, Mercury-office. 3ja5 T. BUTCHERS.
Wanted, a First Hand. One from the conn fry preferred Address S9, Mi cury-office 3ja5 ANTED, a Young Ladv as APPRENTICE to the Boot Trate 4ppL at 27 Orat Georg-atrect 3jaB H.AaMED, tit u.ia work Apply at 22, Pleasant-street one who can do ore 6ia5 C-Ti 'ET and Fun ushmg BUYER Address 127, Mercury-offico. 3ja5 T' 10 HAIRDRES9ER4 Wanted, an Acaistout. Apply at Hollyn ells, PoRtofflce-place, Church-street. 3ja5 T7 ANTED, BRICKLAYERS to Cottages by the piece labour only.
Apply at 1, Oxford-road, Bootle OOK TOWNS HEVD have a Vacancy in the Gents Outfitting Department. 3ja5 ANTED, a BOV, about 12 or 14 years old. Apply at 87 RnperWane 3ja5 w- 'ANTED, a sharp LAD between 34 and 15 years of a Steamship Office. Address 111, Mercury-office. 4 a6 'OUNG MAN to manage a branch bread shop.
State references Wages 24b. Address 107, Mercury-offico. 4ajO CONFECTIONER. Wanted a Female Confectioner Apply, from 3 to 4p at Simpsons, 22, Oldhall-street, 3ja5 S1RESS DEPAKrMLNT. Wanted, Immediately, au ex JLJ periencedSaiLsmou Apply to Templeton and Company, 97, S9, and 101, Loadon-ropA.
4ia6 LAW. Wanted, a Solicitor's Office, an efficient and experienced general Clerk. Address, giving references, and stating salary rqnut 105. Mercury-office. 4jal0 WANTED, a respectable Youfcli as an APPRENTICE to the Letter-pros Printing.
Must be a good reader and thirteen years of aye Address IQS, Mercury-offico 4ja6 IEGRO UO viElIANS Wanted, two go jd Come-1 4 diana (partners), for au entertainment on Monday even- ing. Jan 17 Apply 47, Aubrey-street Evert in-road 4jal0 VS ANTED, a Managing CLERK, exjcnenjed kteprng hooka by double entry Address, stat ng reftreacea guarantee, also salary, 47, Mercury-office Wf ANTED, a YOUTH for an Office. Wages to com-H rnence at 7s. per week, Address 113, Mercuiy-offica. aia6 lir ANTED, a respectable Youth as an APPRENTICE to vV the Tea aud Grocers Tnuie.
A comfortable home can be relied on Apply 90, Et erton-road. 4jal0 SO PORK BL TO HERS anted, a respectable oung A Lad who underst mds the trade, or to be unproved. To board in Apply at 193. Great Hoirer-atrert. SMITH3 Wani-ea, a Man at once to fix a quantity of A Iron Radmg and Gates pieceaoik; workman to and his own tools.
Apply 136, K.chmond-row 4ja6 AMI5 WALDRON and SON require several active Salee-tJ men and Women fo- the dresses, mantles, fancies, A i py at 105, Londou-road 4ia6 XiANOY DEPARTMENT. Wanted, a Young Lady as Assistant. Must bo a good saleswoman and stock-keeper. Apply to Mass 18, Berry-strest. 4ja6 FlAILORS TRAVELLER A thoroughly steady Young -A Man required who has a good connection amongst captains and officers Address 106 Mercury-office 4ja6 ADVERTISER desirta the of a steady Norwegian to solicit orders amongst captains in the Tailoring Business Address 109, Mercury-office.
4ja6 ANTED, a first-class CUTTER Must he and able to rive cash security, as advertiser is much, from business Address 110, Mercury-office 4ja6 WANTED, a respectable Young Man to CANVASS hotels, restauraote and shipp.ug Terms, commission. Address City Deworks BrecktMd-road North. 3ja5 W7ANTED, an APtiRUNTICE a Comnusaicn and Shipping Agents Office, on usual- terms. Address 87, Mercury-office. 3ja.8 rno BL TCiiElS Wanted, a strong, active Young Man about 18 or 20 for Shop Work Must be steady.
Apply to J. Ellison, near Rathbono-road. Wftvertree 3jr8 WANTED in a Grocers Shop, a PORTER who under-V i stand3 general work, and also sugar chopping by treadle machine -Apply at 52 Bonv-street, 3ja8 ib; ANTED, agoing WOMAN for a Shooting Gallery Apply, between two and 'three, or seven and eight 16. Park-lane. 3ja3 IANTED.
an experienced SALESMAN for the carpet and Furnishing Departments, at tho Bazaar, Great George-street. 31a5 f'pHOMAS DEANES MALE SERVANTS' AGENUr A Select number of good meD for almost any business Select No 17, Dale-street near the Exchange. 3-8 HPRAVELLER Wanted for Tohaccnniste PariLy Gu A One having been in the trade prof erred. Address 12G, Mercury -offio 7'OUTH for the Office. Mist write a good hand and be accurate at figures.
Apply by letter only to T. Johnston 7. Lnrd-srert Sjao 0 PKINTEKS MACHINE MINDERS Wanted, on A erpencnc' Man for Single-cylimler Machines Apply at th Temple Press 3 ictona-street 3ta5 MILLI VERS -Appleton and Bracegirdle Chester, Require a practical Bonnet Milliner accustomed to first-claM tn.de State full partisulers in application. 3ja5 WANTED, a Young Man as TRAVELLER, who can make a connection among captains and shipowners. Apply at 18.
Pownail-ymare. 3ja8 ar ANTED, an APPRENTICE for Toy and Fancy Trade. Apply F. Storey, Cryrtal Palace Bazaar, New Brighton, Ch fr hire WANTED, a Young Lady ASSISTANT for the General Drapery, fix to live out, Apply to Lenton, 204, Brownlow-hill 3ja5 inimjyuut LASS AND CHINA BL'STNE3S. Wanted, a respectable Young Girl as Apprentice 'Salarygiren.
Appjy at 11 and 13 Great Homer-Street, or 113, Heyworth-3treet. 3jn5 jPEA TRADE Wanted, a Man to Call on Shops Apply, JL before eleven am, G. H. Warrmgtou and Co, 34, Crmrch-st-ot 3ja8 glO HAIRDRESSERS. Wanted, a Man who understands board work Also a Junior Assistant who can shave and cut hair wril Apply Fyana, 18, Mountipleasant AIRDRESSING.
Wantect a Youth as an Improver, XX or a Boy who can shave well. Apply Grahams, 3, Prussi a-fltreet 3 a8 raio HAIR HRESSERS. Wanted, a Young Man or Youth who can shave and cut hair well Constant employment. To live in. Apply at 135, Everton-road.
3ja5 YARPETS. FURNISHING, AND CABINET FURNI-V TtJRE Cook and Townahcnd have a Vacancy for an men enced Salesman in this department 3jo5 WANTED, a good strong LAD to work a Coalyard, Sleep in optional Apply to Mr. Sar.tany, May-street, Mount-pleasant 3ia5 WANTED, a PORTER haviog a knowledge of tbi i ry saltery preferred. State wages, ic. Address 110, Mercury-office.
lla- EMPLOYEE it, permanent, for a steady Young Man residing or near Liverpool. Apply to A. Stanley and Co Wivenhop. Esex. lift? AS.lED, APPRENTICES, smart Lads about 15 yetra old.
at Christies Trunk and Bag Factory, 7, Sir Thomftqs-bmldlncs lift4 APPRENTICE An aotive well-edurated Youth will he received into a Manufacturer's Warehouse Address, with full particulars, in own writing, to 50, Mercury-office lja7 WANTED, id Drug Trade, Ledger end Corresponding CLERK Must understand busing Shorthand writer will have preference Address 45, Mercwy-offics. 31dejn6 It OOT TR4.DE. Wanted, Machinist for chQdrens uppers 5 Also, to be Let, (ipper Part of Hous, sir rooms, for 5s At Hendersons boot factory, 149. Wmdsor-street, Torteth-pork. W0 C'lOAOHMAN who takes apnde in a horse, one who is willing and able to make himself useful.
State age and wh-Te last pmployed, and reason of leaving. Wages 23s per week Address 125 Mercury-office. 3ja5 4 FRfCA Wanted, for the West Coast, a Young Man as A. Bookkeeper muot have first-class references Salary 50 per annum with board and lodgings. Address, stating previous experience, to 98.
Mercury-office. HPO STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Wanted a Young JL. Man who thoroughly undersaads the business also an Apprentice to the Fruiting Business. Apply 19, North John-strert.
3ja3 WANTED, a strong and intelligent OFFICE BOY. One who has been in an office before and can show g(ol testimonials preferred, See reference list, Mercurj-office. lft4 rfflO DRAPERS. An active, pushing Young Mac; good A window dresser. Must have a knowledge of furnishing Apply, ou Tuesday morning at ton o'clock, at 111 and 113.
Kirkdrie-road. 3ja4 WANTED, a smart YOUTH for the Bar; one with a little experience of cellar work. Apply, after 12 a.m., at the Eagle Hotel corner of Lord Nebon nd Pudaey streots 3385 a Bookkeeper ccmptent to take charge of and balance a art of book3 by double entry State references, age, and salary required Address 132. Mercury-office. lja7 rgio OH.EMI8J S' ASSISTANTS.
Wanted, near Liverpool, A to obtain two or three days Services per week of a steady efficient Assistant. Address full particulars to 55, Mercury-office. 1 ja.7 T7Tr ANTED, a young lady MILLINER and DR32SS-W MAKER who can ass st at counter State age, salary, and references. Mrs. Elizabeth Rothery, Cleator Moor.
Cumberland ljft7 rjiO" BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Wanted, a JL Steady Man, must bo well recommended also au Improver to the Grocery Business. Apply to Edwin Williams. Mabas, Cheshire. lja4 LADIES' BOOTS Wanted, for Manchester, an experienced Man to take a leading position the Ladies Boots Must he well experienced and understand his business. Apply, ly letter, to 3.
Lewis's, Ranelagh-street lja4 7 ANTE bv the Original Yorksmre Bedding Company, 27, Mil ton-street, practical sober MEN, for Making Spring, Hair, and ool Mattresses and Straw Palliasses. Gaod waciE) riven Noa but steady men nee i applv lia WAN i KD, two TiAV LLlXlrti one to call on i roc-era and ono on Wine Merchants and Hotels Must have good connections. Salary and commission. Address 64, Mercury-office. D'ft7 Wf ANTED, steady and energetic CANYASSER, to devote VV whole or spare time to employment, where a most liberal commission is allowed.
Appij and G. Taylor, 34, Church-street. TEOUIREl immediately, a Man of strict ntegrity for the ill MANAGEMENT of a Military Canteen in Ireland. A small capital and security required. Apply at 40, Kvprton ANTED, lor a Forwarding Agents Office, a respectable YOLTH aged about 17.
Must understand customs entries. Address, with references and salary expected, 176, Mercury-office. yldejae WANTED, an ASSISTANT for tha Family Grocery aud Provision Trade A young man with a good knowledge cf the lump butter trade preferred. Apply to Irwin, 101. Westimnstor-road 9aaja4 ii WANTED, a MAN to Clean Boots.
One accustomed to hunting things preferred About an hour each day 13 ail that Is required. Wages l0per annum. Address 118, Mercury-office. 2adeja4 ANTED, a steady respectable Woman mot over 30, as WASHER, SrARCtLER, and FOLDER. Constant employment to a suitable person.
Apply 21, Schomberg-rtreet, West Derby-road. 2gdeJa4 Hr ANTED, a LADY of energy and ability to take the Management and to Buy for a Baby Linen and Ladies Outfit Department, Good cuss trade. Address, stating experience, age. and salary requred, Jewsbury, Crux and Gethinc. 72.
74, 76, 78, Deansgato, Mancherter 3ja5 UTANTED, in a Place of Business, a It oung PERSON age about 20. Must be good at her needle A home will be provided with the family. Must be thoroughly respectable. Apply, with references, to A Wilkinson, is, Strand-street, bottom of Jamea-street. lja4 'vtst ANTED, by the Liverpool United Tramways and Omni-bus Company, a respectable Mau as TRAFFIC CHECKER.
Must read and write well, and be quick at fi 'ures Apply with testimonials, fiorn nine to ten a at the Superiutendeut Office, 21, Dale-street. Da4 WEEICL and LPW AI4DS may ue LASiLi. and HONESTLY REALISED by persons of EITHER SEX without hindrance to present occupation For particulars, fee enclose a pUuiIy addressed envelobe to Evans, atts and Co (P 529). merchants. Birmingham 20demhlH WANTED, a MAN and his WIFEtomauageaUrge first-class Bote).
No one need apply unless thoroughly acquainted with the business tn all its branches, Applications, with full narticolara and copies of testimonials, to be addressed to 130, care of Charles advertising agent, 32, Oastlo-Btreet FTF, t.TYERPOOL CLERKS ASSOCIATION (WlHiafn Lathbone, Esq is toe recognised meonim for procuring suitable Appointments also vcoufera necuniarv allowances, medicid attendance, fcc. Subscriptions from 2e per full particulars apply at the office. No. The Temple. yapl GOVYRVF.SS renmredmaBors ecVoo Enrhsii.
Mwt at least two yeara Address, held a similar post -f prtKnars. 6. Mercury-offire (progre i ciirv-otce. ONT.RNBS Wante-I, by a Vouas Ty returned from Pars, a Situation -s a- Govern Ecsl sh, Fnen. a nrc rud.ree-te of and drawing A idress lc6 Meru.ry-0 rce.
Yonrc Ladv (North German. dcares a Re-ergugema-: a Fam-Iy fa or near Cnter mrnts- German French. English, n-c-dle and fancy wr-- Adv 0 Chrr 'V-O NO LALn requires FamJy Acqu.remen Eng.a French, and A Sister also desaTcs similar Engagement. Good rererv-a Addrew 73. Mercury-office 7t ANTED.
Daily GOVERNESS in tne ceig a -onrbc cf Vi efton Pari for two horns tha mom js? 'frs. have excellent reren.es Good a me. and p--riu A Mreas fud particulars 1. nno pars'CTPAL'4 of schools i Mr. BROWNLEE HAYES.
Teacher of cu is open for Engagements Addr-ss Ui, Nortnombe street I a Ladv of kdly unontion cesures an hngaren cl if SICAX GOVFRNFSS on or Housekeeper Highest reterencts Aaurcss 179 Mer c-y QifiC0 TEQ 'IRED. 5 7 a To' Ipas, crrtfacated snd JiX. encen a Mom "a En-oremen- in crool or rem FapUsh and music. Hilary 15 Adores 56, Mrr .7 office AGerran GOVERNESS wishes an Enraccraen a to teach German and aic Go-d reiererres. Addr Fnulein care of Aoams, Esq, Havtej New Brghton, Liverpool 3 re; TJ'7' ANTED, a mi or Rcsvtent MASTERSHrP Fnr 'h, French, Latin and Matn-mat cs XV ANTED, a Girl, aboat 16 years of wo, a VV SERVANT -Apply at 30, rimMH-streeV4jftIL- ANTED, Good GENERAL SERVANT, who can Ison apd Wash well.
Protestant. Apply 46, Beridey-st 3iag WAKTEU, a thoroneh general SERVANT, mast hve good character Apply 5. Walton Park. 4jaJU Ah TED, KI TOKEN MAIL. Apply at pleasant ANTED, an eipenonced COOK-Apply at tbe Tower Reatquraot, Water-street I xxcautuialib, tit* ANTED, ft stoat active GIRL, from 15 to IS, to Assist Vy in HonftpTprk Apply at 20, Klmberleytreo.
4nl0 ood General SERVANT. Protestant Apply 49, Mere-lane, Evertoo. f-tsjlj TJ, 11C1 g-milA, A. 1 try It WANTED, a Girl about 16 asGeneral SERVANT. Appiy at 14 Anaon-rtrcct off London-road.
ANTED, a pood COOK Must be ft Protestant Mrs Greenwood, 9, Slater-street. Bold-gtreet. TiSf ANTED, a respectihie Person as General SERVANT. rv Good references Apply 34. South-roal.
Waterioo 4 ag 7rr ANTED, a respectable Servant about' "lb fV years. Applv at 33 Anbrey-rtreet Everton-road 4jal0 'ANTBD a respectable Girl oa NURSE, and to make herself useful A re about 15 Apply 122, tjueen 8-road. WANTED, clean tidy GIRL, ape 16 to 13, to make herself uscfoL 49b, Falkncr-rtreet 4tai0 WANTED, a Sarvant GIRL, not more than 15 years of tv agp Apply at 70, Oldhali-street. ISrAN'TEt), "a icood General SERVANT Apply pjeasant-rtreet, Liverpool at 22, 4ja6 7L7 ANTED, a respectable about 16 Apply at "26, Bcdford-placo, Seaforth. W0 iA pwwv, 'ANTED ft respectaole Girl as General SEEVAN Apply at 82, Lime-street.
4nf5 ANTED, a. respectable GfRL from 14 to 16 Applyat 53 Kirgslov-rnad, late Crown-street jtjfjJJJ W- 'ANTED a respectable GIRL. One vho can wash Apply at 24 Prescot-street Aiy A Respectable Girl as fTC HENMAID ago between 17 ami 20 years, Armiv 67. Doane-road tCtURSE GIRL. Wanted, at once, a respectable Girl as IV Nurse Apply 119.
Roscommon-rtreet a- ii umu rvyij uKt, QCULLER i MAID Wanted immediately. Apply at the Bee Hotel. St Johns-lano VA.MT5D, a respectable General SKRVAJfT. Afrly at 20, 8eafortb. I'RSE Wsnted for two uttte jrrls Good wages.
Com- fortable home. 4 Great George-street. 3. 'FEKEVHEAD. Wanted, a good General Servant 1 Apply 70 rree-rtreet, 5135 ANTED, a good -oneral SERVANT for a family Apply at 6, Saatbourne-stcget.
finny irANTED, a respectable GrRL.Wages 2s. per week Apply at 71, Bedrock -street 57ANTI a good General SERVANT One who undere stands waiting Aply at 27. Islington. ao TffTANTED, a steady Young WOMAN who can Cook 7 T-etabloa Roval Horel, Moomelda. "7 ANTED, a General SERVANT Royal Hotel, Mwr- AN TED a General SERVANT.
15 to 18 years oUK Apply at 39, The Willows, Breck-road '91 ANTED, a good General SERVANT must wttfh and tv Iron Applv at 43. Cnstnutigreve Mars-tane Jaa 4 IT-ANTED, a rtTjpcctaole General SERVANT. Apply at 113. Heywortb-street ANTED, a genera! SERVANT far a Spint Vaults, age abo it 17 to 20 -Apply 79 OMhall-street JjaS General ANTED, a clean resnecta, le rl aa SERVANT Apply at 82 Br wnlow-hili ANTED a good General SERVANT. Apply 18, Stftffnrd-strertt 3a5 AN'! ED a General 8EP.YANT.
Apply ai Grosvecor Villa, 295. Old Chester-roari, Rock Ferry 3 jlOOK also a thorough General SERVANT Wanted vv Apply at 34 Chapel-street ANTED, a respectable Girl aa General SERVANT. from 16 to 18 -Apply BasnetVrtreet ANTED ft strong GIRL from Id to 16, not more Appy from twelve to four, 48 Gill-street. WAGES 0 Wanted, agood Cook (Protestant) -Apffiy at to Mrs Fcrtdc 82 Pembroke-placa 3jo ANTED, a o.ing Worn aaGeaeral SERVANT, fr-m 13 to 20. Arplv at 3, Gnersontreet.
Lodge-livne 3j.8 ANTED, a good General SERVANT -Apply at 65, Tithcharn-streefc. WANTED ft respectable Girl as General SERN ANT. Apply 13, Stafford-terrace, Prescot-xoad, Stanley ANTED, a Girl, as General SERVANT -Apply at The Crown and Vine, Crown-place, 4.ao WANTED, HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, also Plm OOOSC, for BaUiol-road, 162, Mrcny office .2 WANTED, at 28, Tarleton-rtreet, a strong GIRL for Kitchen. Apply between ten and eleven, morning 4ja6 ANGEL HOTEL, DALE-STREFT Want a immediately, an experienced GRILL COOK for Restaurant. ANTED, a respectable General SERVANTfcrapn.ate house, Anfleld.
Must have a good character. Liberal waes given Applyat 39, Scotland-road. 4jftlU ANTED, a Respectable GIRL to assist in Housework, ft Protestaut Another jervant kept -Apply from 11 to 4 66, Upper Parliament-street. A fl ANTED, a strong SERVANT GfRL, age 33, Clanbel-street, Upper Warwick-street, near Prfnce-road 4ial0 Cfe UH'I ANTED, a clean, honest, and respectable Girl asGeneral SERVANT, age about 18 Apply IS, Conlngsby-road, Anfidd-road at once, a highlv-respecuble Person, la ProteBtant One who understands babies. Apply Mrs Roberts 107, Bold-stret 17AITRBSS Wanted, at once, good Waitress.
Pro- testant Wages 18 Apply to Mrs. Roberts, 107, BaM-street. d-1aS ANTED, good General SERVANT, plain cook, active, early riser, large washing given out. App'y 7, Damard-road, Claughton, Birkenhead. "5 ANTED, a respectable Girl, about 22, as SERVANT.
where another is kept; must have good references bo able to wash well Address 133. Mercury-office 4aS WANTED, for ft small family, a good We'nh General 8FRVANT able to wash and iron. Apply, by letter onlv. to Mrs Edwards Postoffite. Bootle 4ja6 WANTED, a Grnoral SERVANT, three in family; recommendation in town.
Wages 12 4, Berkeley-street, PrinceVroad. AN TED. ft respeKMe Girl aged from 14 to 15 (good character), as SERVANT of all work. Apply 41, A-ndetcori -rtreet. orrr ANTED, clean respnrtable General SERVANT with good charart-r must understand plain cooking Part wo-ghlng Apply 55 Ellzabeth-sfret.
4jalu ANTED a General SERVANT who can wash Age about 20 Good character indispensable. Applv at IS. Grnnh v-rtreet. 4ial0 ljlillll V-aiiiCCt. VS WANTED, a thoroughly eupTenced General SERVANT who can wash and cook well Are 20 to 27.
Wacea 14 to 18 Apply 125, Upper Oandugstreet iM TYTANTED. a resu'ctaMe Girl as General SERVANT, are vV about 17. Apply personally, liettreen ten and twelve fim at 38 Fp-dlow-iane, Stanley Park. 1 HlliO 1 ISTANTEn stable GIRL about 15, to make herself gs-teraily useful. Must be strong and active.
Apply at 9, Axuutel-gtreet off Princes-road. 4jaS TV TaNTEH, a respectable Young Woman ai General tT SERVANT Good references reouired Protestant preferred Apply at 27. Rlcc-lane. top of Walton-road 4ja6 OOD General SFRVANT Wanted, ra a very qraet hom*o outside Liverpool Wages about 10. Good character indispensable.
Address 41 Mereuxy-nffics 4 afi YU AN TED, respectable General SERVANT. One al le to -wash. Must have good personal character. Apply 23. Hough ton-street.
WANTED, a Strong Young WOMAN able to cook wa3h, and a good nsr, for the country. Apply 17. Jasmine-street Hevworth-qtreet. Everton 4i '6 ASTLl) a good HOUSEMAID-WAITKESS! testant. Apply before one oclock, at 8, Caroline-place.
Claughton. Eirkenhead vv- plaCQ, CdikUSUlVU, Uti COOK (experienced) Wanted for a Gentlemans Family. Wages 30 to 35 EnglUh Catholic Mrs Hunt, 6 Colquitt-street, Bold-rtreet 4jaS jrl rs Ajtiiiu, -j ANTED, a respectable Person as NLRB, who can assist fa the house Must have good reference ho KbHIpb Armlv 167 Ohfttbftm-atrret pames ppiy x'ji v4t one who unaer- rtand3 her duties. Protestant Catha- 4-s rlne-street. Ol NG GIRL Wanted for general work at the srtmtgT EoteL Apply, between ten and eleven a.m..
to the Manager. WANTED, a respectable Ci-1 as General SERVANT Apply, between two and fivo at 47, Lime-rtreet 4jab 17 ANTED a respectable Person as General SERVANT, ftble to wSr-Apply at Mr Proctor's. 44. Hatton-garden. garuen.
WANTED, immediately, good KITCHENMAJD who has lived in genttemen families Age 20 to 25. Protestant Apply at Mrs Andersons, 21, Shaw-strert ANTED 'thorough General SERVANT. Must have a good character frem last situation. No other ftT)Tl1v -inquire, after eleven, at 25. William Eenry-rt 4ia6 A Young Girl Wanted as HOUSEMAID.
abrait 14 to 16: murt be a good sewer: one from the AppIv aterffve 35 Rodnev-rtrect 4a6 Tar anted a General SERVANT, one accustomed to waitfa*g Age from 17 to 19 yeara-Appy U4, Cl a'ham-street, Abercromby-square. 4ab A 13 tlCc W. ri vu. PLAIN COOK Wanted at once mall family no wasjunc no late dinners 16 BUmdv. 1.
Falkncr-street. Hope-street. ktrANTEn, a sharp steady Girl as General SERVANT ase from 14 to 16 Most fond of chdoren and a a. Ol C.ilVlnwn.lsna 4lo1n age rroxn Protestant -Apply at 219 Smithdown-lane MQ ANTED ft respectable Young Girl with good character XX as General at No. 1, Seymour- street iT ANTED, a respectably P'ain COOK (Protestant) a XX small family Good a from foir to five p.ra., 45, Merton-road, Bo WANTED a Young Woman as General SERVANT, 12 per 'annum.
Must have good character Apply 31, Unner Hope-place. 3 35 Wavtfd bv the ICto January a good GENERAL SERVANT. Apply at 307, West Derby-roa (by Radnot-ploce 3jw Kaan or-p lacei ANTE fa a small family no children a respectable Yonns Woman are 18 to 25, ssGenera.SEBVAK-i nnlr nr nddre3 to 23. Rnsssan-drve. Green-iane qtS OOK A respectable Youns Person witk gcd personil references from lost situation So washing.
Apply at 4. trjet-road. Pr.nce's P3rk Alrburth-rood end COOK fetad immediately i-13 no washing. Also KITCHEHMAID; need not hare been out before. 4 Great George-e'reet 8E1IAI IJ-WAITRES3 Wanted general not obietted JULto Comfortable home.
pnt ont. Great George-strect 4ja5 s'HOCSEMAID-WAITBESS, also ft good strong Kitchen GIEL 8S from 20 to 22. -Applyat 15 Rodney-street, AiSTEO a Girl about 14, as bTUP.SE to one babj out ol arms Protestant Apply at Wobnxn Home, Wobum-hill. Green-lane. ANTED good General SERV A one wno under- Stands plam cookmg and has good references from last place -Apply at 102.
Great Homer street. SjaS r-1 B.NERAL SERVANT. Wanted, at once, a strong act. a7 'wornsn one who can be well recommended for cleanliness and aohnetr. Apply at 262 to 268.
Great Homerost OOK (experienced) Wanted immediately, for firstrolaes boarding school Protestant. Age 35 to 40 Wages Apply 4. Carter-street Pnnces-roan ojao I JVattJiJ ii -I- TfffANTED a General SERVANT, one who .5 ford of children Good character indispensable 207, Walton- 3jo5 read Tf ANTED a pood General SERVAJN 1 between VV ten ani two oclock, at No 2 and 3 Tsg Stall. St Jobua Market. UOK 'Vanted for a gentlomaus family in the country Por particulars apply to Masou and Smith, grocers, 30 Bem-street.
3a8 rANPii a General bERVA.NT with a goon character for a family of three. Must be able to wash, Apply a S. Hopc-pHce, off Hope-street fo8 irv-sRAL SERVANT W.nttd. a thorough giod General Servant about 18 Goo 1 reference fadispena vie. A-nnlv 147, Pnce-street, Birkenhead.
2ja5 'ANTED immediately, a clean respectable trustworthy Girl os General SERVANT Protestant. Apply 182, pppop Wimrick-atreet, Pnnces-road. 3jaS ft a ANTED a respectable young girl os Genoral SER-W VANT Apply, after twelve fit 26, Oaford- steert. 32aS TV ANTED, an active Person not under 30, to assist VV housework and the caxa of children A girl kept Address 142. Mercury-office.
3ja5 "ANTED, a clean resnectablo Girl, about IS as General SERVANT One need to rfousetnala't work. Another tnrl kept Apply 66 Canning-rtreet. 3mS ANTED, ft aNURSE for one child, and to assist id the house Another servant kept. Apply 53, Great Oxford-scet, Mount-pleasant 3ja8 L'RSE Wanted immediately for one chuu. Waea 14 to 16 Must be able to do plain sewing.
Apply Mrs. Hunt, 6, Colquicc-street, Bold-street 3 ai TufANTf a good General SFRVANT Family, lady and XX gentleman only Wages 12 to 14 No washing Annlv Mrs Hunt. 6. Colquitt-street, Bola-sireet 3ja8 rAN RP, a good Plain COOK Also, good General SERVANT Apply at once, at the Pnnce of Wales Hotel, Bndgc-atreet, Birkephead 3ja3 HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS Wanted, good nlain needlewoman 14 to 18, according to age ana experience, English. Church of England.
Address 196, Mercury-office 2Sdeja4 WANTED, a good strong Woman as COOK and KITCHEN MAID, age from 2z to JO. Wages 13 -Apply at Rodney-street, between the hours of eleven and tw2 lja7 ANTED, a plam houely Person of good character, as vv General SERVANT, worthy of trust Nurse kept. Oomfortaula heme. Protestant. Address S.
Poplar House. Croppers-hill, St. Helena. 31djaS igTANTtSO, good plain COOK who can wash, and House-1 maid-Waitress about 17 must be early risers personal character required. Good wages.
Hope-lodge, Poplar-road, Oxton oldejafi WANTED, an experienced Head NURSE, English or Scotch, able to take Baby from tbe month. Under nurse kept. Long and good references required Ace over SO. No bepr. Address 1S8, Mercnry-officc 31ffeja6 ftrANTElh at Waterloo, a clean active Woman as Plain vv COOK.
Must be aole to bake and wash. Personal character Good wages. Address care of Lee and Nightingale 15. North John-street 30deia5 WANTED, Mother and Daughter the former as CHAR-VOVIAN, the latter as General and to do plain cooking. No washing.
Apply 53, Lime-street, eight to ten am. 28dm4 WANTED, Woman COOK. One accustomed to the restaurant business Must thoroughly understand her duties, and be well recommended. Address, stating wages expected, and where last employed, TV 1S3, Mercury-office. SOdejaS ANTED, at once, fa a small family, a HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS.
Two other servants kept, washing put out. Good oharacter indispensable. Apply at George Trollope and Sons, Union Chambers, 14, North John-rtreet. 29deja4 ANTED, at once, a superior Young PERSON, to bath and dress three children (night and morning), dean the nurseries, and wait upon the school stating where last employed, length of service, ate, to TTTT ANTED, by a reepectable person aged 43 a Situation as HOTTSEKEEPBR. or any place of trust Adoress A Mercer.
TH Lodge," Sandown-park, 4jal0 TK? ANTED, by highly respectable Person, Re-engagameut to attend on an Invalid, or the charge of Motherless Children Satary amidl 56, Ererton-street Ja5 A Young fil? 1151 desires Enyagementas COMPAQ ION A to ft Lafly, or Gorerness to yonng ehddren, Ad-irros Mi-a Mm Ronehley, atatloner, Criwliy L' AD HELP Would take entire charye in smod Iiirndv Plato eootnng. If in husiness rfonld assAt. Well edu--Addreia 196, Meroiirvofflce 1S7-ANTED, Ro-engngement as HOUSEKEEPER to a rinele Gentleman Good references. Salary mnall Addroea 93, Memn-y-ofSca. jla8 MTAYTED a rosoectablc middlewred woman ae HODSETEEPEa for a smaU family.
AddrewW Mercury-office er mi A' 8 HO'CSBKEEPER, by widow. ood needlewoman Aged 28 Fond of children Small sawjT Address 64. Marcury-office. A Younr Lady requires ft Situation ns Working rtYSE- KEEPSR. Good plain cook.
Address 60, Mercup- office omce TTOUSEKEEPKR -Required by a Oentl mau redding jrl New Bnrhton, an educated agreeable Person, 30 3S. with good reference -Address 167, Mereury-office 31dejag tfHUr AtliliPQO iORKINft HOrSEKEEPER Wanted tor a GenU1' WUl OEjL ai ticAi rL i i or coou General Servant not oh ted to. Protestant, goodchrvra'ter. Apply 5, Petabrokeplaco. 29deia4 "ITTaDY HELP Care and Instruction of obitdrpa.
A. Would take charge of nurseries and aps st generally. Thoroughly domesticated.Address 185, Mercury-office 'ZT ANTED bVa Widow Situation HOVST.kFkPER, VY orto Attend an Invalid. Hw much experience in both. Highest references Address 53, Mercury-office.
Widowers family ot single gentleman preferred. Mulberry street. Liverpool sTrj AVwri a Working tlOESEKEEPER Small toisl-W nShiuao No semnt kept None bnt those whose character will bear the 1'a6 Williams Brothers, IS Market-place South Birkenheao XY-espectahle Middle-aged nKEEPBRIs a A Reengagement as Wording unwr? good plain cook. Good reference -Address 51, R' bill Tver ton J-- lACTwn, WorklOK HOUSEKEEPER or Mothers Help, where assistance is giren, hy ft superior Person .6 Rood references Wages 16 to m-Addreto Miss 136 High street. Hounslow, near London.
2t2tA- JHX CELL ENT references can he giren hy rMPfeti 1 Li Young Person who wishes for Situation as MOTTIER HELP, or tTeefol Companion. Apply by letter a. 11 A rd 1 vrtrcrfp hi Ah TED, "Working HOUSEKEEPER, to SO, tor one eentleman, A oolek comfortable home to a steady, trustworthy person. State wages wl leb must be mo eune, a duties arorery light -AddresX 126 Mercnrpoffty a6 ri ANTED, by a respectihie Vonng to I 68 WoiW HOHSEKEEPEK. either in priva or business Satisfactory references giren.
Tj3, PasleB 145, Hpiier Pirllament-stafet. Liverpool 3lrleaS Vi t-t3, A V. useful COMP A NION to an elderly Help 84 years character- thoroughly domesticated, age 99 20. Address The School, Bradlflh' bourne u(j 31deja6 W' ANTED, Situation as Working HOEKETKPPR or General in plain qniet family, by a highly respecteble Widow aired 29 Bert of references, fcc. Warren, 9.
Rosemond-atreet East, Oxford-road, Manrisr. YS7 ANTED, a respectable educated Woman as HO TV KEEPER for a sroall family In the ouj starts of Liverpool Servant kept. Reply in own handwriting fc Scea. stating salarv required, also age. which should not be under 45 years -Address Mercury-office.
anew ouse Sgi'tanfs antgi WANTIiT), a respectable GTTtL about 14, to Attend two flbilrlren Ami, 93. Gni ton-street AMTED. a sooi '-eneral ERVAM -Apply Sh road Va rfi-lfl. ANTED. Two 8ronj OTELa.
Apply No 8, SapdliUls-lane. Countrv preferred 4ja3 TSrAJTTE'n. a Girl about 15 a a NTFKSE.AppIyt-l'o-2, Anbrey-street I Hr ANTED, ft respectable Gu! about 22 years ofa*gaa General SERVANT Apply 244 Smitndovm-lane Jia5 TO" ANTED, a strong Girl about 17, as General SERVANT. Annlv23.9t 4nne-strprt. ANTED, a specfciole GIRL about 14 years of age Apply 9, Moraeth-street, off P-rey-rtrert Alipty 3, Trr ANTED ft gfd General SERVANT.
Protestant Apply at Tkley-fltrt et. 3iai WANTED, a- good General SERVANT. Apply at Moss-grove. Lodge-lane Ija7 W' ANTED, a respectable SERVANT GIRL about lS. Aunlv at 41 Hartiiup-fltrert, Everton a Respectablp GirUs General SERVANT, brtwwm 14 and J.
21 years of age Apply ftt 8 Walton ija4 T5 rASr run, ft General SRRVAST. VV MonlMi-reet, off 3-otland-road A rccii. uu o- 8 active Girl as General uonse 144, j. Winiisor-strept South TfTAXTKD respectable GIBL, rftout 16. Protojnt--V Apply 8, Voelas-strcet, High Park-gtreet.
21dja5 iipjjiy uu.nmevv, ANTED, ft Young Girl as General SERVANT Apply at 25, Pine-street 29deja4 ANTED, a resnertable Young Woman as Gfoeral SERVANT. Apply 3, Mann Island, George Dock. 57 BELMONT-ROAD. Wanted, immediately, an artive Girl aa Housemaid-Nurse. Protestant.
Not unaer20. ANTED, a strong active Girl, aa T. About 20 years of at 14, Falknei-rtrt Eop-street n0 ecu "TO 20. Good Waitress Wanted immediately (Protestant). A pply Mrs.
Fergie, S2, embroke-pwee. 18 ANTED, a Useful GIRL about 16 veara old. Apply to Jones, 15, Porteistreet, off Waterlooroad, riOOK Wanted, for Restaurant. Must have character for sobriety and understand her business. Apply from en to twelve 30.
Tarietcn-rtrect so Lweive op. TveyERAL SERVANT Wantfrl, for a fairolv of hi i Cx who can wash and iron. Protestant Wages 12 Appiy 83 Rerhleystreet. awrANTEP, a respectable General SERVANT IProtstaiit) IV from IS to 20 years Apply, between ten and twelve urum au vti o'clock, at 129. Bedfordtreet South.
41VL0 VirAVPD a strong GIRL; one used to Eating House profenr andlap 2S, Redcross street Liverpool tIttaNTED a respectable Person as WAITRFSS and XS General Sert also a strong Girl for tatchen work. -irmir q. Unner Dawsn-Street. vtVd Strong Ctrl aTGeoiTal YV the' Royal Hotel, comer of BanthaDtroet and Ptanlev-road iev-rmu ir ANTCn, a willing, respectable GIRL about 18 ro-X testanfi to Assist In General Housework. Apply il 7, Mulberry-street, near Turtash Baths fin'll rrv-rrew, WANTED, a good General SERVAN i to children.
A Protestant preferred. Apply at S4. Crown-rtreet. WANTED, ft strong active Woman as General SERVANT in a business house. Apply J.
son. Waterloo House, Seaforth. BDTI. TT fal I1 fV uuuat-. C5ERVANT for ft Family.
Nurte kept, Immediiite em-ployment for person of good character 285, P'lrii amentrstree 3 i iftmen iraw mr ANTED, early, a General SERVANT able to wash and VV plain cook. Three in family. Good 1, Croxteth-CTOTe, Lodye-lftne FC. AA'HV 1 -VT7 ANTED, ft respectable Catholic Woman as general SERVANT in a small family. Aged 27, Petture Hons 442 New Chestor-road, Rock Ferry.
jr i NTED ft Youne Woman as General SERV ANT also XX a Girl about 15 to Attend to Ch Idren and ass'st with Tftrleton-strert ANTED, fora Milk-house, a Strong GIRL that can milk, none others need apply, at 26, Grcta-streefc, off High Park-afreet lia ntgii raiN' A NGEL HOTEL, Dale-street Wanted, a Second Still -A room Maid; also an experienced age Cook for restaurant Ui- ANTED a General SERVANT who can wash and iron, for family of two, by January 12th. Protestant At 38. WHlterock-street AX I OO, "I 4 B- a country Girl, os General SBRVAVT; bimnrra place preferred, Cn mah weU Protestant Aced 20 ear r-rlml proferrod -28, Wrtlinirton-crove. Wavertroe lw7 E.VBKAL SERVANT Wantad, for a family of three, IT who can cook, wash, and Iron, Apply to Mrs Henry Wriybt Priory Leo. Broad Green.
tvxy fct-. ANTED, a good General SERVANT for a lamffv of five. No children No washing. Apply at Ojbome House. Ecerton-strcet New Brighton.
31deja6 "--J ANTED, for a respectable Spirit Vault, a General 4v SERVANT Must nave good reference, and be able to wash Citron. Wages 12 -197, Wert Iterbyroad. 29aeja4 ffttBfl UVll. m.vp -r" ANTED, a General 9KP.VAI7T that can milk; also a young GIRL. Apply at 57, Poplar-street, oj Brock- road, Ever-on.
4. 1 W- yTE D. a Rood Plsm COOK or General Servant Must he teS character. Apply after noon at 4. dlmrton-street, Waterloo.
29fle4 tv V. tewa.a'v. ANTED, an experienced HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS (Protestant) Apply, in first instance, to Mr Thomas Menlove, 60, Church -fitroet 29dpjo4 lU'O, DvA, vuaiv.i YTT ANTED, a- respectable Young Giri ago 16 to 18, as XX General SERVANT Three family. Good character from last situation. Apply 89, Old Cberteoad, Tfftnmrre.
ANTED, in a small family, a good General SHRVA English Protestant Another servant kept. Must be able to waah. Apply at Gorphtwysf ft, Penkefch-road, Lard- ANTED mediately, an exnenen ed thorough General SERVANT where anotner is kept. No washing. Youngest child 3 years old Wages to a suitable person 16.
Adr ss Mrs. West Oakfleld, Hooton 4ja6 IT SD TICS. W' 'ANTED, immediately, a Young Woman about 25, as Tlain COOK in a small family Twelve months character indispensable. Apply at 31, Parkfldd-road, Pnnce park jd the afternoon or evening jartc tne -t is; ANTED, immediately, a Flam COOK or General Scr-X vant with good character; also a Nurse-Housemaid for January 17, -Apply, from eleven to two. Higher Lod 'e, Lodge-lane.
43alU W' anted aclean, active Girl, as SERVANT Good character Wag M0 or bAr.een ten and tot, at 17, High-street (next door to Newccmbe s), Village. 0 Fnascmaia-wauresB. owuxe vr as irtauce Address 161. Mercury-office 4jn10 ANTED, immediately, for the country, a good Plain COOK and assist a little in the housework Address, stating how long last Situation, wages expected, age, and religion XI79, Mercuryoffice 4m0 mou. luktumj TUP.SE for three children, youngest aged four.
Muss oe 11 verv resueetable and a good sewer, with good references, ago about Mrs. Pemberton, 17, Alton-road, Ovton. 4ja.xV. TTSESPECTABLE GiRL Wanted, age about 16, as JLV GENERAL in a small family where there are two children, resnling at Oxtoa Wages about 7 -Ad dress Y8. Mercury-office ANTED, a middle-aged Person (0 to 40) as General I SERVANT, who can wash, iron, and cook, tbree in family a girl kept Address Mrs.
BaldwhFarkrtyle Palm, IV, st Liverpool. XTUKSB Wa.uted for two CMoreo must, gxni pci' J-, reference, Protestant. Age about 20 Per par-ticulais apply, personally, to Mrs. Manning, confcctioi.er, R-ick-lano It nek Fi rrv 3Weja6 XPBKU'JsCBD Gcueral SEKVAKT. Protcstaat, Axe about 25 Mast have good personal reference ho mstiPE -For particulars apply personally at Mr Ridding brush saop, Bock-lace, Root- Ferry.
4,. 10 TTNDLR HOUSEMAID or Nurse Wanted, ot once small tU family No washing Oomfortsb home. Prrfrs ant, Mias Blaudy, PMiarinotac-buildings, Falkncr-street, Hope-street. C' OIINTEY. Wanted, 14th January, a thoroughly respectable Young Woman (Protestant) as Plam COOK five fandlv no washing Wages 14.
Address Mrs. r-ast Oaklield, Hooton, Oh e. ra5 ANTED, a thorough General SERVANT, fo, a family of two, In the country. A Catholic preferred Por particulars apply to Mrs Lee, 148, Elliott-street, Tyldesley, near Manchester VTURSE Wanted In a Gentlemans Family ITnder nurse il kept Age about JO. English and Protesvnt preferred Personal reference required.
Apply 7. Beresford-road filauehton. Birkenhead. 3ja8 VTffcNTED, ft once, ft good COOK; also thorough Vf GENERAL who can do- plain cooking, and good NURSE. All respective and Protestaute pply i71, Brownlow-biU srowmow-mu SblSTANT HOUSEMAID NURSE A respectable Persou about 20 years of age, with good personal references from lftrt Eituation, as Assistant Housemaid Nurse -Auulv at 4.
nilct-road, Princes Park, Algburth-rd end. oja5 OOD PiftirTCOOK Wanted, at onco about to" Good washer fend ixouer. Two fanilhr. 14 -Apply, first bj letter, Mrs. Browzt, Springfield, Victoria Park, Wa-terferco.
UlUXUH, WANTED, a good General SERVANT age 20 to 25 English or Scotoh Protestant No washing, but must be able to iron and do plain cooking Wages 14 to 15 Applv Dunham House, Hartington-road, Sefton Park lja7 ANTED, a respectable Girl about 17 to 13, as General SERVANT good character necessary Also a Young Girl as NURSE to one child. Address 42, OrreU-park, Walton. 31dejftS -ANTED a respectable Person, aged from 25 to 30, as Plain OOuKor General Servant must be a Protestant and have good references Apply, between two aud four cm lock Mra Hutchinsoi, OakhtliPark Stonfvroft 14jTAVTED, by Juiuftry 2, for family West Her Vv Yillago good General SERVANT, one who oau wash well Nurse girl kept Apply Mrs Rowlands' Servants Agency, 186. Breck-road, 301ej5 Agency, iCO. tjyucju ANTED, au etpenenced NlRSE (CatholKn for first baby, brought up with the bottle First-class references reguired Apply, by letter, Box 331, General Poitoffice, Iaverpool.
30dejrc5 tftANTED, a good General SERVANT who ban wash, gjSo a respectable NURSE with good by letter, stating wages, references, Mrs Dixon, Adelaide House. Freshfielfl, near Liverpool 30deja5 WANTED, at once, a respectable Young Person as GENERAL SERVANT in a small house no family rood wages. Must be able to waah, and do plain cooking; and havo a good at Clarence-street. WANTED, an active General SERVANT Protestant). Must be a good plain cook; good character indispensable No washing.
Other servants kept Apply between six and nine trie evening, 3, Alexandra-dnve, Pnnce a Fark W0 VtANIED, in a sm.dl family at Blundellsauds, a good Tv General SERVANT who thoroughly understands washing, ironing, and waiting Good wages given Apply, in first instance, at Glare-terrace, Marmaduk e-street, Edge-hill A6 AN1ED at once, for a school in the country, a PAGE, who must give a good reference, and be able to wait at table, dean knives and boots, and make himself otherwise useful. Apply personally or by letter to Registry No. 1, Ashton-street. Pembroke-place, Liverpool TSFr ANTED, bv a lad7, a respectable Young Person as WAITRESS, Must have good character aud must understand her duties Wages 16 to 17. A Catholic not objeoted to Apply by letter in the first instance, stating length of service last situation and other partiomars, to 33, Bsresfwd-road, Birkenhead 4W A PPRENTIGE8 'Wautad to the Dress and MantloMoHnB.
a- ii GreV-strect. London-road Jirb FIBST-CLASS SHIRT MAKERS anrtBOTOO.YHOLERS Wanted at 20, Mona-fitreet: also an ERRAND GTRL oja5 SSrANTET), YOUTH from 18 to 20, for a JfilHiouM must be ygood mHker Apply 59 Mulberry -st lia4 UlUhUWaHIIUU UIlACl A YTE a respectable Office BOY ftt 15, OldftU 557" ANTED, in a Brohrs OOIce. a ranart Lid ns OFFICE BOY. Adclresa 67, MfrcgryoiBro. 1) ANTED, two Girls in SINGERS and Waitress i Apply 12, lia4 'WT ANTED, an OFFICE BOV in a Commission Merchants 7T Office.
-Address 119, Mercury-office. ANTED, first-class WEAVER at the Cheshire Wooilon afill Company, Limited Birkenhead Kdeja4 w- 'ANTED, an eTpenenccd DRESSMAKER. Address 3, Mercury-ofSee ia VT ANTED, at oifb Bank-road (No 6), Gra3sendalfl ft ft TT7 DRESS tn tqV the Washing of a VamilT 3irtcja9 WANTED, a respectahte BOY for ft Cotton Offi a Addresa 43, Mercury-office 31dejaS WANTED a BOV or Youth that can Shave. -Apply T. Jones, a0a, Upper Stanhope-afreet, AdaS SHOE TRATE Wanted, a respectable Girl tmrpvr Also an Apprentice Anplv at 28, London-road aldejag VlirANTED, an Office BOY an Accountants Offic Tv Apply to intrice dwi ju iui Pmner and Son, 12, St GeorstI 'wresoent.
3Jfi8 rUNIOR CLERK Wanted acoiistomedcorresrondence and shipping buaiuess. Address 134, Mercury-omco. ANTED, a good energetic JOINER, in ft general jobbing ab'ip. Oue who understftnflB tbs working of a. circular Raw Addreca 122.
Moronry-ofSce rri PRIVTE1 8 -Wanted, a good Jobbing Hand 8. 34s per week 51 hours Constant employment for a steely tnf)nstnois man Address 117, Mercury-office Ijaj ITHOGRAPHiCJ PRINTING. Wanted, a Turnover Apprentii's to this business Appl7ftt W. H. Tyerman Works, Tower-chambers, Old Churchyard WANTET).
waart, steady TTtniORS other departments Alo Young Lady IEOVFRS mith and Brown low. 83 and 85, London-road XKf ANTF.D. to a Wine and Spirit "Slerchanrs Office, an APPRRNTIOE. 1C0 for fire reon 52, care of Cliarlea Birchall, Advcrtlalng Agpnt 32 On -street Hal Mf ANTED, by a Co-rki-eper, a steady soner Young WA-N 1 ho can milk and malic himself generally Apply T. Medcalf, 106, Woodvllle-terrace.
115? TO MERCHANT TAILORS- ASSISTANTS Wanted, an activs intelligent Junior. Address, with terms, 57. Mercury-office. Al2 'U1E7-ANTED smart WOMAN who understands the Stevo Work in a Restaurant. Apply at the Crooked Bulet, Fxohan gp-sfcPftt East 1 PLUMBING Wanted, an Improver to the above, handy at the bench Snelson and Christian, plumbers, Kmnont Ferry -Jat A rFICE BOV Wanted.
Mart live near Tuebrook Railway station, Apply 6, Sandnnghara-road, Marlborough-nad, Tueb-onk V4, ANTED, a strong YO(7TH about 18, to look after a Horse and Float. State wages expected. Address C3, Mercury-office 125 1X7' ANTED, ft good UPHOLSTERER. also a French Pol.sher Apply S. and R.
Johnson, Bridge-street, arrineton Ij jfPTICAL A permanent Situation offered to a good Spectacle and Opra Glass Haul Apply F. Morris, working optician, 49, Renshw-street AWNBROKING -Wanted, a respectable Youth as ai Apprentice. One with ajmowledge of the trade pve ferred and Shaw. 58, Fox-street. 11r7 WANTED, a respectable YOUTH, for a Merchants Office Age aboutlS Some expiice necftry A'Mrs Mronry-office 31dejp6 HAI DRESSING -A Younc Man or Youth Wanted; a good shaver.
Apply 139, Derby-road, Liverpool or by letter. SldeiaS ANTED, a first-class CONFECTIONER (Female) able to take charge of bakebouse. Address, stating full particulars salary required, 7, Mercury-office TJERL1N-WOOL NEEDLEWORK -Wanted an exnnn-t enced Saleswoman. Apply 42, Oldiiam-street, Man-chaster. SOdeiab -ODFREY HARrNKTRSCR requires an experienced AX Yonncr Lady for the Needlework and Crewel Work Rirton-square, Manchester.
30lejao ANIF T' in a Proriuon Merchp.nts Office, a respectable 7 YOT TH Address, in own handwriting, statffic ace, ft 7. Meteury -office. 30dejn5 WANTED a MAN to deliver bread by van. One accustomed to the north end of town preferred Aniy Riqb Mlk, 30 Limekiln-lane. 3bb ji6 DRESSMAKER Wanted, immediately Good style and fit.
Address, stating references, experience, salary required Oncoigne, Colwyn Bay. WASTE i for a Lean Office, a competent VALI EK. Mart have a firrt-clasa character, and rive undeniably rood references Address 11 Mercury-office, 30405 A Kespctabte BOY for an Assurance Office Must tte A wtlL Ono from school preferred. Address, stating Tilqry required, age. 148 Mercury-office 3Qdea5 ANTED, in a Merchant's Office, a sharp inteliigentEOY, age about 15.
Wages 6s, to 7s. a week. Address 20, Mrctirv office SOnejao AUCTIONEER. Wanted, an mtemgentrespectablo outh about 15, as Apprentice Terms 100 for five years. Anply to a Winrtanley.
291. Derhy-road, Bootle 31d1aS VO UTH Wanted, good writer, aged about 15. One leaving school preferred Apply, by letter, to JameS'Lind and Son 61. Great Oeor'te-strpet 29doia4 TO HAIRDRESSERS Wanted, a respectable Youth; must be good halrcutter and shaver; indoors. 60, Rob'ior-streec.
29dpja4 TO OOACHMAKEES. Wanted, a pood Body Painter. None but first-class men need apply Constant work. Hutchings and Co 202, London-road 29deft4 WANTED, in the Office of a Public Company, ft well-v? educaten YOUTH about 16 Superior penmanship indispensable. Address 128, Mercury-office 29dpja4 ANTED, a thoroughly competent WAREHOUSEMAN, zo take charge, in a Biscuit Factory.
Must write well and have good character. Address 1C4, Mercury-office 29rijft4 GROOM and GARDENER Wanted married, without family Address stating agfe, how long In last place, and whether thoroughly experienced, 113, Mercury-office, 29deja4 ryio CHEMISTS. Wanted, a Junior Ass stent Ato au JL Apprentice, where be will have an opportunity of thoroughly learning the business. Address 18, Mercury-office C-OdejaS ptcdtral W- VNTED, an unqualified ASSISTANT to visit, disp-nse, and attend midwifery. Welsh indispensable.
Apply Kfirt.R and Evans sure eons. Portmadoc s. 7 to Roberts and Evans surgeons, Portmsdoc OU i HPGRT A Physician has a VACANCY for a Res-dent Patient suffering under a mild form of nenrous ailment -Address M. 81. Church-flt Liverpool lifl7 menij Aumrao ix.
a w. SON of late Physician, full curriculum, Dispense, Visit Ordinary Cases, Keep Books Emerienced, temperate. Highest referenceo Mdicus, care cf Dr. Carpenter, 24, Albiou-street Liverpool. 4jal0 Ai oioa-etrreet wu, juc.ywt.
(PtHEMTSS. Temporary by day. week, or month: town or country; registered bv exam. Abstain er, Address 4 cars of Mr Wiillngs, Messrs Evans, Sons, and Co 3Mfa5 THE ROYAL TOUCH RynoIdW the-Vitaiiser 30, Boundary-lane, finds not scrofula alone, but inflammation, fevor, gout, rheumatism and acute pain, yield promptly. The treatment promotes longevity.
i ne OARD (Medical). a Married Medical Man in the north of England, no family, east coast, ib at present open to receive Invalid or other Gentlemen as Bordera hougo, with grounds attached, and all tho comforts of a quiet hom*o Address 8, Mercury-office. partners Wanted. ANTED, a PARTNER to take an active part Greep Fruit Business. One having good connfrtion among country purchnsprs Address 163, Mercury-office.
4jal0 Good Buaioess Man withde2000 to 3000 seeks an Opening business, partnership or otherwise Address 33, Mercn rv -office 4ial0 PARTNER Wanted, with 500 to 1000, In a Ship Brokers Business. Capital fully secured. J. Staxme? and 13 North Jrhn-rtrt. 4jnS PART NT Wmtedwtth 50 to 100, in a General Produce Merchants Business No previous knowledge required -J.
Stanney and Co 13, North John-street 6 Provision Merchant warts PARTNER with 1000. Splendid opportunity Good income. J. Stanney and and 13, Norrti John-street 4jaS AGcntlemaa having 1000 can have equal Partnership in a branch of the Engineerine Business. Large profits.
Capital secured. Star ney and Co. 4jfl6 a jf old-established Ironmonger, in Birkenhead, wants a Al PART NEK. Apply in the first instance, to Bleaae. 10.
North John-street. 4jal0 FARTYER8HIP. Gentleman (agodabout 40) with 2000 wants a Partnership in an established firm in Liverpool. Aculv to Herbert Blease, 10 North Tohn-street. Ija7 ARTNER Wanted, to Join Advertiser in Chemical Works Must have 1000 to 1500 at command.
Address 152 Mercury-office SO'lciaS PARTNER Wanted, who can introduce about 1000 in a coneral commission busineas established some years. A I dress 159, Mercury-office 30deja5 ANTED, a PARTNER to invest from 30 to 100 in a Wa New Speciality tn universal demand. Gross prefiia enual to outlay. Genuine. No nsk.
Address 177, Mercury-offico PARTNERSHIP is offered to a Gentleman ha'-ing rt0, in a first-class Accountant and Estate Broker's Business Good income. Knowledge of the business easily acquired. J. Stannoy and Co. TUrAVTEti, a working PARTSER used to Shop and Office Fitting, and able to invest 50 to 70 or the lease and goodwill would he sold Premises cioso to Exchange, Rent moderate.
tr TINE fc SPIRIT HUSINESS. A Gentleman desires a i Partnership in a well-established House Capita! up to 2000, according to profite-Apply to H. Blease, 10, North Jnlm-street PRACTICAL TAILOR, in old-established Business in the ootskirtN ii open to receive a PARTNER possessing the command of 300 to to H. W. Blease.
10, North 4ial0 John-Bfret TAILORS, fcc. Wanted, Gentleman with Capital, active or not. to Join a young practical Man to continue ft first-class Tailoring Business. Proprietors retiring. Address 104.
Mercury-office lja7 rtnHE Advertiser Is desirous of meeting with a Person who -H. is wffiing to rarest about 500 in a most profitable cash tininess in Liverpool of which he would take management. Add reps 72. Mercury-office 29deja4 laAN lEJ, tv PARTNER id au Ironfouudry on I Ship-1 1 smith Business in Liverpool, of long otamung and good connection, to take the place of one who has retired from the concern. Capital required 5000.
None but principals replied to. Address 15, Mercury-office 4fal7 WANTED, by a Gentleman of experience and position, a PARTNER with 2000, to carry on a manufacturing business in Liverpool Profits about 16 per rent Solicitors or principals only need apply to Herbert W. Blease, 10, North John-street 29deja4 a Gentleman, with 500 to 1000 cash, can bear of a good A opening either as a PARTNER or to purchase right out an old-established Wholesale Busineas of over 20 years standing. Goodwill 250, stock at a valuation. Particulars of Messrs.
Bleoso and Son, accountants, Castle-street, Liverpool 4jalQ PARTNER (Limited) wishes to meet with a Gentleman willing to place in a well-efltablisheu and rapidly-increas ng husiness 3000 or 4000, for which full security would bo given, and a minimum interest of 10 per cent, guaranteed. Only principals or their solicitors treated with Adureaa Mercury-office. 31dejft6 PARTNER WANTED. Optical BurinS3, with excellent connection in electrical, mathematical, scientific, and meteorological instruments and general trade repairs, to be Disposed Present proprietor retiring. A splendid opportunity for a young man with a taste for scientific study.
Business eatlly acquired, and remuneration large, Messrs. Wenaley and Jrarle, Commerce-chambers. 29dea4 armies and Cfontmissitms. ANTED, a Man to SOLICIT on Commission, in the Whiting trade Address 102, Mercury-office 4ia6 A Gentleman with connection amongst Brewers, Publicans, Grocers, and Druggists, would accept another Commis-fliou. Address 13.
Mercury-office. 4jalQ TSJ ANTED, an AGENT The appointment is worth 5 a week. For full particulars write" Mouleson Brothers, 4jaS Ipswich BREWERY TRAVELLER with connection Wanted fora brewery in the city, to work on commission. Address 37, Mercury-office, 4ja6 7QUTCHKRS Buying or Selling BUSINESSES, or having JD Debts to Collect, should consult Mr, Holder, Teraple-chambers. 28.
Ohnrch-rtrert. djalO xj ANTED, an AGENT for the Sale of Steel Piles and Cartings. Liberal terms. John Willia and CoH Park-side Works, Sheffield. 3ja6 CHEMICAL TRADE A Gentleman of long experience is open to Represent a good House over Lancashire and Yorkshire.
Address D. 6, Gloucester-road, Southport, 4ja6 AGENTS Wanted. New things, required by all. 3 to 5 JX. weekly Rare opportunity.
No risk, previous experience unnecessary. Bacon and 127, Strand, London. I3deja8 BREWERS AND WINE MERCHANTS A respectable Young Man age 26 is open for an Engagement as Traveller Ten years experience Good references and security if required. Address 26 Mercury-office 4mlQ AGFNTS and CANVASSERS Wanted for Brown, Birnes, and Bell's highly-finished and artistic Subscription jrtra'fce. For terms, apply at one to Secretory, 87.
Lord-street. 4a31 active reliable AGENT Wanted for the Sale of German Boer, Must possess a cellar, bottling and corking apparatus, a cart, and, if possible, a horse Good commission References mi Ired Andreas 45, Mercury-offlre 4JalQ HOP TRADE. A Commission in Foreign Hops is open co a Gentleman having a good connection amomzst Brewers, State age, experience, and ground, Address 172, Mercury-office 31dejaC a a WEEKLY Agents Wanted everywhere. Salary and ufc commission Whole or spare time Genteel employment. Send addressed envelope for particulars.
W. and Co York. 9deja5 WANTED, a person having a connection amongst large wholesale flour dealers in South Wales, more oarticu-larly Swansea and CarJiff, to act ae Selling AGENT on commission. Address Box iSl, Port-office, Liverpool, statirg cornmlsoion required, fcc. WANTED, to Represent on Commission a first-class Scotch Brewery Advertiser has a large connection In Liverpool district aud North Wales, and could do a safe and extensive business.
References given. Address 28, Mercory-offlca. WANTED, for the new year, by a Gentleman taking country journeys and paying own expenses, one or more SPECIALITIES in connection with present engagement. References first-class Address, with particulars, 2, Poplar-grove; Elm-road, 29doJa4 TO AGENTS, MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, Wanted influential Pinna to Negotiate the Sale, or Manufacture of a valuable Patent, for a Mechanical Press, for the tellow-couniriea Great Britain, United Slates, Prance, tiium, Germany, and Austria. Address Patentee, 23, wick-green, Manchnstcr.
SJW.j This Day -Modern and Genteel Household Drawlnf-room Suite to leather, Mahogany and watoue-wood Wardrobe, duch*esso Toilet Tables, Chimney CHassee, 10-foot Wains TaHe, Drawins-room Suito Marble Clock, Mahogany Sideboard n'ith back, handsome Carpets and Hugs, Dinner and lea Rcrrices, Fenders and Irons. MR. GRICE will Sell by Auction, This Day (Tuesday) the 4th insfc, Bt Eleven oclock, at his Rooms. 40. Whitechapel, he whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising mahogany oval table, easy and rocking chairs, sofa, sprinc-scated couch, tapestry carpets, fenders and ffreirons, walnut drawingroom suite in sffk tapestry, inlaid walnut loo table, ladys work table with mlfc fittings, brass half tester bedsteads, prime feather beds, pair birch toilet tables, birch and mahotfany dresinc mahogany cheats of drawers, damask window curtains, blankets, sheets iron bedrtead, spring mattresses, pair painted tables, toilet ware, shiir oorpet, lobby oilcloth, squares ditto cupboard dresser, Windsor chairs, dish covers, and tho usual kitchen and culinary items.
On view each morning of sale; and catalogues had from Mr Grice. 40, Whitechapel. Lawtons Ground Floor Auction Rooms, 81 Islington, five doors from St Anne-street, Liverpool Sale This Dav (Tuesday), at Two oclock prompt. Household Furnilur and Miscellaneous Property, removed for convenience oE sale to the above rooms MR. DANIEL COHEN (successor to tha late John rawton)will Sell by Auction This Pav (Tuesday), the 4th instnt, a large and varied of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and BTTTLPIN3 MATERIALS comprising iron and hogany half-teste1- bedsteads, polished and painted drawers bircb vrashstand and dressing tables, couches and sofas in leather, mahogany loo and oal tables, bookcase, hair-seated chairs, chifformicre, carpets, ornaments, mirrors, feather and flock beds, beildmg, fenders and firemms tea and dinner ware, sowing and other machines, quant ty of scaffolding and building materials, kitchen ucensila, and other effects, which will be sold without reserve.
Now ojj view. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ENQUIRY OFFICE, An Enquiry Office has been opened Roe-aTtoy. In Immediate connection with our New Advertisem*nt Department, at which Replies to Advertisem*nts appearing in the Liver-pool 'Venwry are received free of charge, and where files of the Mercury may be consulted The CHATtGEforTNERTTOVtetheDAILT WROTRY cf PREPAID ADVERTIsem*nTS inot exceeding three lines in length) referring to Situations, Houses and Persons Wanted. Property to be Sold or Lrt Apartmente and all the Miscellaneooa "Wants" of the CoTty is SECPTNCE.
The charge for THREE CONSECUTIVE DATT-Y INSERTIONS is ONE SHILLING Anvertisem*nts ot tms ciara that are booked will be charged the usual cale pnee. Business announcemente inserted under Sale by Private Treaty, To be Let, Wanted will also he charged Bcal price. Parties answering advertisem*nts in tho Mercury are requested to artend to the following explanations See Reference List, Mercury-office, means that persons desirous of answering advertisem*nts must- examine the Reference List at our office. Address, capital letter and number at the Office, meana that application must be made by Letter Onlv, post free and in no other way. B.
Persons answering Advertisem*nts are strongly advised not to send Original Testimonials A cccrdinn to a recent Posted Mo tea. no letter etUfrmtd initials or aim but real name at a Postofice mUbe whvrrvl Advertisers not tetokiwt their ii amr to appear vublicU AwH therefore dirtc replies to be fvnoarded to this Ojjicc, ana inclose stamps for nstaoe of antneer Prrsojis Wanted. immediately, Assistants. Apply 40, Warburton-street, done. COOK TOWNSHEND have VACANCIES for soveral Young Ladies.
jpOOK TOWNSrlEND havo VACANCIES for seaeral Young Men IRONFRS -Wanted, first-class Tranera Apply at the Wirral I sundry, Borongh-ioad Birknbopd, 4810 Vot NG WOMW for tha Fish and Poultry Trade Apply at 1S7. Kensington HpO ENVELOPE MAKERS -Wanted, experienced Hands. Appv to Weir and Co 44 Cable-street. 4jal0 UTTONHOLFR for Flannel Work; also Jones MACHINIST. Apply at 12, Thirtmere-road, Evert-on.
4ja6 5T ANTED, Coopers VWYER also to attend Bix-hone engine. Addrea3, stating wages, 101, Mercury-office. 4Ja6 'ANTED, a respectable ERRAND BOY from 14 to 16 years of age. Apply, between nine and ten, at 32, North John-street 4jaS FlWJJRROKING. Wanted, an epenenced Asms ant, pnncipally for the Sale.
Address 169, Mercmy-oflice, 4ja)0 G' OOD BTJTTOS'HOLE MAKFR8 and MACHINISTS Wanted, for fine white Stortt 51, Upper Bean-street. 1ja6 AN OFFICE BOY about IS or 14 years of Applv, own handwriting, with references, to Cashier, 31, Bold-street. 110 KT ANTED, a Yonth as BARBUB who can share and cut hair well. Apply at 6Ca, St. Jaines-street, from -ieht to 12 oclock.
TS7 ANTED, in Wine and Spirit Merohants Office, a re-Tf spectable Youth as APPRENTICE GooJ writer and accurate at figures. Address 12, Mercury -office 4j alO rpo PAGERS. Wanted, a Turnover to the Paging JL Machine. Apply to ECenstock and Foulkes, 42, Lnrd-street. YIT ANTED, a respectable Person to Clean e.i cti from nine to Severn Apply at Dean Smit's lUOl l-UJ 3 i Box, 11, 4ja6 Castle-street.
RANTED, smart BOY to clean kmvorB, in a Must be dean, Apply at 11 a.m 38, Rc3Uurant. Oanning-plare MiLLIxSERY SHOW ROOM, Wanted, an expenenccd Saleswoman Permanency Apply, six o'clock, Mr. Stokes, Vernon House, 233 and 2. Scotland-rood. 4ja6 HpAILO RKSSES anted, several Improvers for BoyY JL Overcoats.
Apply at once at 123, Howe-street, ether fic'd-roqd North. MILLINERY. Wanted, a Young Lady as Apprentira one not under 18 preferred John Thornes, 56 and 58, Myrtle-strert. 4ja6 WANTED, "5-hill a good TAILORESS for the Trousers -Apply at No. 1 bouse, 4 court, Bolton-strwt, 4 aS WANTED, a respectable and well-educated Youth (ace about 15 years) as an APPRENTICE Merchants Office Apply to 181, Mercury-office.
4jaB ASSISTANT WAITRFSS fora Restaurant; must be accustomed to the cosiness and Bleep nu Apply, at four rq 33, Canning-place. sharp Bov as APPRENTICE in a Merchants Office, Address in own handwrtng, 194. Mercury-offico. 4j '10 OY, 14 to 17, smart, honest, respectable good writer JLJ and. uaraoter.
Apply, from ten to at 49, South John-atirt dja6 RAPKRY Wanoda YoungLady "of experience. In a good General Trade. Apply to Henry Morns. 288, Park-road. 4jaS WANTED, WOMEN to Deliver and Sell Evening Papers from three to six; wages 3s per week, Address 155, Mercury office.
41alQ ST ANTED an active Girl as APPRENTICE (out-door) the Wool Busmuas. Small salary may be arranged. Referencea required Mrs. Kelly. 5, Newington.
43 a6 HpO HAIRDRESSERS. Wanted, an Assistant, good JL gentleman's hand, also a knowledge of boardwork Applv Tftior and Mitchell, 50, Wavertree-road. 4jifi WANTED, a first-class Hand in the Grocery and Pro' ibioa Trade, well up In both branches. Apply at 1, Redrock-street, before ten oclock or after four. 4jal0 IST" ANTED.
Immediately, a Married Man. aa Under GARDENER and to make himself generally useful. Address 29, Mercury-office. PAWNBROKING Wauted, a respectable i with about five years good experience. Apply to I.
Jones, 181, West Detby-road. 3ja8 rgao CGACHMAKERS Wanted, agood Body and Carriage Maser, also a Painter and Apprentice, 23, Virgil street, Caznean-rtreet. 4ja6 PROVISIONS A Young Man Wanted for the above, of good address, and must have thorough knowledge of the Liverpool trade Address A 186 Mercury-office. 4jr6 ANTED immediately. TIONER Must be well up in all shop goods.
expenencsd CONKEO- Adaresi 192 Mcrcury-oSce. 4ja6 It 'vRIldSMAKING Wanted, two Apprentices and a good JL Improver. Prenfinm A reference required Adaress H. carp of Mr. Robinson, chemist, Canning-etret 4jal0 E3S QE GIRL Wanted.
me who wishes to team the XvA Tailoring Apply at 5, Hardwick -street, off Prescot-gtreet Wags 2s 6a. W7AN1ED, in the Office of a Steamship Company, a respectable Youth as APPRENTICE. Terms 100 for flvo years. Address 176, Mercury-office. 4jaS ANTED, a YARDMAN and STOREKEEPER for a Builders Yard.
To live on the premises. Apply to Kuriies and Stirling, Bootle. CiLLKK Wanted, correspoudiuaSriuently In Portuguese. i Address stating age and salary expected, Mer-eury-office. 4jpS at once, a BOY about 16 years ono used to fish and poultryahop Apply at M'DonneHs 4fa5 89, Falknetreet.
ANTED, a clean respectable TO about 15 or 18, of good character. Apply to C. Taylor, druggist. 10, Cipveland-square. 4ja6 WANTED, ar APPRENTICE In a Cotton Brokers Office.
Tjrms 100 tor five years. Address 1S9, 4jal0 Merc urv -office. ANTED, Baker BOY for Shop and Bakehouse must have a good character Apply 63, Great Richmond- 4jal0 STATIONERY AND MUSIC. Wanted, Young Ladies for these Departments, with previous experience. Bon Marche, Baanett-street.
TO BUTCHERS Wanted, a respectable outh, about iS, who has a little knowledge of the business Apply At 14, Heyworth-street, ertoru 4ja6 DVEBTISBE desires to be taught by an experienced person bow to take Wine and Spirit Stocks Address, stating terms. 52, Mereury-office. 4al0 WANTED, at once, thoroughly-experienced Shirt and Ladies IRONERS also first-class General Ironer. A pply Orrinal French Laundry Upper Stanhnpe-st 4ja6 ANTED, a Young MAN for the retail OU and Colour Trade. One who has been at the business preferred Good references required Address 152, Mercury-offlcc.
4nl0 BONNET AND FANCY DEPARTMENTS Wanted, two Young Ladies as Apprentices, inor outdoor -Apply, six oclock, Mr StokeA Vernon Houss road. 233 and 245, Immediately, a strong and respectable youth Yv as ERRAND RON. Must have gckd character from last place. Apply to J. M.
Buck, chemist, 179, Bedford-street sIANTED, a steady MAN to drive a small engine and YY make himself generally useful. One who cun. do hie own repairs and a little in wood work would be preferred Address, stating wages. 171, Mercury-office. 4jalO GROCERY and PROVISIONS Wanted, aTfirst-clasa Provision Hand.
Also, a Second for the Grocery Counter. Both must be well up Williams Brothers, Birkenhead. 1111. VS ANTED, a Young Man aa DEFAULT CLERK for a Loan and Discount Company One having had experience in default work preferred. Address, stating ftece erwnces and salary required, 173, Mercury-office 4ja5 Vi 7 ANTED, a steady oung MAN, to look after small p0xk Business.
Must have thorough knowledge of same Must have good references. State wagus Thomas Woodall 18 Bath-street, Barrow-in-FurneBa 4jaS and CONFECTIO Good references Apply, between rgyli street. WANTED, in a Cotton Broker's Office, a respectable YOUTH who understands arrival invoices and account sales. Address, stating age and salary expected, 190, Mercury-offico 4jal0 vREStf MAKING. Wanted, thoroughly experienced Skirt and Bodice Hands Must bo accuBtorued to the best Apply, before eleven a L-e and Co Baanett-street (md to Miss Clemitson, ontranceh 4a8 yNIOR CLERK Wanted, a respectable Lad who can tow neatly, and well up in figures, as Junior Clerk Apply the first instance in own handwriting to Messrs W.
Chtfke and Son, 7, Comus-steaet, Richmond-row. 6 WANTED, two respectable and fairly-educated Girls, 16 or 17 years of age. as APPUENTI0F8 to the Fa. elope and Paper Relief Stamping. Apply to.
Weir and 44, Cable-street 3jal0 fB'O in a Drapery Establishment, a JL Junior acquainted with counting house duti8, dissecting, Apply, stating age, salary, Bright and Legge, 70 to 75. Bold-fltreet. 4jji6 "OOSTAL TELEGRAPH' Wanted, an ASSISTANT. -ST Must have good character and be thoroughly efficient in the working ol the Morse instrument. Apply at 390, Grat flovard-street 4iflS WANTED, a BUOKkEEFEK, mu3t hav.
had tvso or three years experience, and be strictly methodical and punctual. Salary to commence about 80. Address 104, Mercn y-office PICTURE-FRAME MAKER Wanted, an Improver to the P.cture-frame Making, fcc. One who has been four or five years at tho trade preferred. Apply to M.
T. Corlcsa, No. 3, Upper Newington. 4jal0 YYf ANTED, a steady sober MAN, to take charge of a pouy, carriage, and garden, and make himself generally useful Must have filled a similar situation and have good reference Apply at 15, Fairfield. 4jalP WANTED, a Yeung WOMAN age not less than 18 for a Wholesale China, GUua and Earthenware Trade in Liverpool.
Must be able to produce a good character, and competence is indispensable Address 24, Mercury-office. 4al0 npo HAIRDRESSERS. Mossman, 59, Regent-road, JL opposite Bramley-Moore Dock, Wants a Youth who can cut hair and ahave well Character from laab situation rndia-neusablo A comfortable situation for a respectable youth. 4jal0 LE AND PORTER BOTTLING BUSINESS -Wanted aEtetdy pushing Man to Drive, La Birkenhead. One, knowing tho aistnot and having filled a similar situation there will be treated with Apply to J.
Hands, 40 and 42, Duke-street. 4jaG rgQ MiLUNPRS Wanted, au experienced First Hand A for high-cl ass BuBmeaa to take entire Monagemeiit of Workroom. Addrpsn stating age, salary, and reference, Mcsdameo Webber, miUmere and costumiers, IE, Market- street, Nottingham. 4al7 1757 ANTED, at once, an efficient ORGANIST (non-pro- fessionalj for the Parish Church, Waltou-on-the-Hili. Salary, to commence, per annum Not required to art as choirmsater Apply, by letter, with testimoruaia anq refer-encs.
foRev. Bee, Brook-road Walton. 4jalQ OYrAL LIVER FRIENDLY SOCIETY. Wanted, an unlimited number of Men as Canvassers and Collet ton, to mase independent collecting books and positions for themselves in Liverpool SaSary to commence with 15a. per week with other emoluments Constant employment practical knowledge of societys business is unnecessary, but applicants ill be required to place their services unreservedly at command of the Committee or Management for fcnghtr appointments when required.
Cajmers, Superintendente, aSllraTdHnij Agrnt oh, be Fullcrt porticulnrs may be leanit at Chief Office, 16, Preswt-street, Liverpool. Office hours nine a.m. to five By antes ai IAME5 ATiffiSIOK. j-Secrstaries. SEFTOSPARK.
THIS DAT 4th INSTANT Household Furrutaro -Fine-toned Cottage Piano id Sow elegant Mantel Minors, Marble kntl Sd UlooW8y Wntins Cab'nit throo Mahogany Wardrobes, Walnn- and Ba Lmn, nw-light fiilt Wi inking and Mangling Machine, Lawn MowerKo -WALKER, ACKERLEY, CO. haw inrtrnctions to Sell hy fTuesdavl 4tn instant at Eleven clock on the Premises, The whoto and othtx effects, tire property ox a gentiemau Liverpoo1, comprisin': in tho Cromwell chairs in Breakfast Rnom. Set oi ev LeU-made mahogauy morojco l-ather. esto- hoo. mtiirt table frnre beokcaae, Brussels case "cSaius, lour-hsht bronze carp green repo carpet, skin hearthrug, well-mado 2Snss'ig twelve handsome single chnrs SSbnoit legs, carved Ivaks.
and soas covered with Dr innworooco. easy cbir, conch and sevi.ng chair to cop-rnnad, srt of TDAbo av lining tables with three extra leaves U'indsorae enclosed sideboard of nch mahogany with piiWed glsiss back, mantel mirror gilt frame, clock in mart le case set of crSnson repp curtains, five-light bronze chandelier, Drawing Room Elegant steel fender with onnoinroounts-set of fire nnytemenK best quality Brussels carpets nearly new, wslnutwood suite, composed of six single chairs, double, ended couch, pmd sewmg and easy chairs, upholstered pale green repp bnlliaut-toned cottage pianoforte of full compass, in risen ood case, by Broa-dwood and S'vns; walnutvrood chiffonmere vnth sJcered glasback. marole top, and four reflecting panel doors two occasional tables of walnutwooa with miTid top excellent walnutwood dovonport writing cabinet, three pairs of green repp curtains with rich Acral borter two gilt devotional chain with seats and hacks upho stored in crimson velvet, gilt clock supplied by Meyer, elegant mantel mirror in gdt frame, Parian groups, fiye-light gilt chandelier, gas brackets, window cornice fee. Bedroom. Brussels carpets, hearth rugs, fenders ana fire-irons, mi'hozany toilet tables and waebircands with marble tops single and double toilet services, three mahogany wardrobes (iucludmg two with piate-glaj centres), mahogany half-tester be Isteads with crimson dorrask hangings, hair mattresses, feather beds, small mahogany bedstead, maho ganv touet glass night commode, towel raiiB, chairs, mahogany ch sts of cirawi rs, iron lfrench bedsteads painted bedroom furniture, counterpanes, blankets, bed imen, set oi window curtains, Hall and StairB Regulator clock in rosewood se.
crimson Brussels carpet, hall lamp, ornamental Jjon hJl table with marble slab, hat and umbrella stand, and chairs to CMuTcelIaneou3 Articles Two silver cruet spoons, case of dessert knives and forks, Ac. best elwtro-platea tea and coffee service, tray, biscuit boves, table cutlerv. blue and white chiua dinner service, tea aud breakfast ware ohm a deport semce. a few hundred volumea of books, principally of a theologil, classical and medical character amongrt which will be found- Bishop Ryles Evnlauatorj Thoughts, five volumes, full morocco; Bursters Commentary, wholly Biblical, three volumes, morocco The Kitchens contain capital set meat covers, tables, chairs eight- lay clock, wringing and mangling machine, lawn mower On new prior to sale, when catalogues may be had on the and at the oSce of Walter, Ackerley, and w. Cnurch-rtreet Household Pumiture, Walnutwood-framed Diaw-m-room Suite, Cottage Pianofortes, Half-tester Bedsteads, Morocco Dressing Bar with silver-mounted fittings, Brussels Carp'te, Chimney Glasses, Mahogany SlflehoanJ, Lc Sd, Ch xrch-street CO.
will neYt, the 7tli instant, at Eleven oclock precisely, at tneix spacious Auction Galleries 55, Church-street, Excellent modem HOUSEHOLD lyENITOKB. Bruss carpets, naboDaoy sideboard, toilet tables, gilt china a ev glosses, bronze and onnolti chandeherB, drawingroom suite, sts of mahogany dim ng-room chaire, capital ranges of dirin? tables, mahogany bookcases, fine-toned cotiice pianoforte in wacutwooti casa, gentleman Morocco dressing bag, with alvr-mounted fittimro walnutwood dressing case mahogany chests of drawers, mahogany pigeon hole cupboard, artist 8 easel, oak and mahogany library chairs mahogany card and occasional tables, manogany pedestal sideboard with plate-class bartr. -nQ Mav be viewed on the morning of sale, and caorues had atValker, Ackeiley, and Co gaileiy and offices, 55, Church-sferaet miE LIVERPOOL AUCTION JL SALEROOMS. 10, CHTECH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. These spacious SALEROOMS, bein? on uhe Ground Etoor and the best position Liverpool, afford unusual faculties tor tb sail of every description of goods.
Advances if required A of FURNITURE will be held at the Rooms on the FIRS and THIRD TUESDAY in each month. Lots to appear catalogue must be in the rooms eaiy on the aay prior to sale YV.i lation? mad for Probate or Legacy Duty OUT-DOOR SALES Condnrt-ed on Moderava Terms. JACOB GREET HAM. Auctioneers Oats Edmund Jacob) Established 183 This Day Tuesday), 4th January, Auction Salerooms 10, Caurch-rtrect Valuable modern Household iture, ele 'ant WalnuWood Drawing-room Suite, Walnut Cottle Pianoforte, handsome Mahogany Dining-room Suita upholstered in maroon leather, enamel-painted Bedroom Slide. Chimney Glasses, Plate, removed to tho rooms for convenience of sale.
TAC0B GREETHAM -will Sell by 3 Auction, Tins Day (Tuesday), the 4th at TweUe oclock In their Roora. 10 Church-strett, the Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, cv tnpjnir an elegant 1-nutwood drawing room suite, walnutwood cteffonmere vnth silvered class bock and doors, with marble slab, encloSd ini-board with silvered glass back, handsome mahogany dimug room suite upholstered in maroon leather, s-s oi chairs, cinches and sofas in haircioth, mahogany bookcase with folding doors, chimney glasses, gasolierB, birch and mahogany chests of drawers, enamel-painted bedroom suite, birch and mahogany washstanos and tables, toiletware close, and china. Bt On 7iew prior to tl sle, wheu catalogues may he had at the auctioneers rooms, 10, Church-street, US LIQUIDATION. This and following day3. Re Thoms Arc strong, Jeweller and Watchmaker, South Castle-street, lb Orfr of the Trustees.
Thrive valuable Ships Chronometers, by Hornby and o.ber noted makers, valuable Watchmakers Shop Regulator TTirh TcercuniU pendulum, by Hornby, modern fine Gold ewelle-y, Gold and Silver Watches, Shop Fixtures, ACOB GREETHAM have been in 9 rtructed by the trustees in tho estate of Mr Thomas Armstrong jeweller and watch mamuactnrer. to Sell nv Auc-ton. This and following days, at Twelve clock each tUy, on the Premia 's 35, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, The whole of the STOCK-IN-TRADE of modem fins Gold JEWELLERY Comprising single sone and diamond hAlf-hoop rings, sets brooches ml earrings in cases, signet and gem rings, pins, studs, solitaires, alrerts ana guards, lock eta, neckleta, about 8 oucc goll keep rs. eals and keys, silver jewellery, spectacles, eve slassts GOLD AD SILVrr TCHES, ot Enclish Etod foreign manufactur TWELVE VAL ABIaE SHIPS lulONOMETEJW, fee. The Nautical Instruments include binnacle with dolohm stand ships patent logs, compasses, aneroid and.
other barometers binocular glasses, sextants, valuable microscope mahogany cabinet, opera and field glasses, tc DlNtNfj-ROOM, OFFICE, AND HOUSE CLOCKS and a few electro-plat-ed prticles. The Shop Fixtures comprise glass counter cases with desk attached, window fittings, jewellers trays, lamps with Thejck la of excellent quality and of modem design, ha nnc been very recently purchased by Mr. Armstrong. On view on eai.h morning of sale, wfcn catalogues may be had on the premises, or at tae amrt oucers rooms, 10. mtf28dejs4 Cnurch-Svreet BV ORDER OF MORTQVGDFS To-morrow IWefiAsdaji.
Jan 5 -Valuable Modern Household Furntnre. Rosewood Cottage P.anoforte, Walnutwood Drawing-room Sute upholstered in green repp, 73, Mnl-atreet Also the three valuable Steam Hoists, No. 1, 2, and 3 tb property of th late Mr F-dward Pluixett TACOB GREETHAM will Sell by 9 Auction. To-morrow (Wednesday), at Eleven o'clock, on tne premises, 73, Mibreet, the whole of the MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comnrisirg a liandoiuely-carvcd walnuts ood ffimng-rpom suite uph'ji-'tered xa green repp walnutwood chiffonniere, chimney glasses, rosewood cottage by Boddmgton, Suamsii manogany edeal sideboard, set of mahogany Chau- and sofu nAircloth, sewing machine walnutwood case, a few oil paintlnes, carpets, fenders steel the Bet3, carpets, gasaliera, The bedrooms are furnished with a Spanish mahogany wardrobe, sets bmch andmahoganv tabl with marbk slabs, iron French bedsteads, father bedp and bedding and the usual painted furniture. Mahogany hat and amor- 11a stand, and tne useful kitchen requisites.
Also the Three valuable STEAM HOISTS, Which wiU be sold on the premises, 73, Mill-street, at One oclock on Wednesday The Hoirt No. 1, named E. Plunkett, to on view the east of Brocklehank Dock; No 2, named E. Plunkett, east side Cana ia Dock and No 3, nimd E. Plunkett, eart side of Brocklehank Dock.
Th ho-sts are manufactured by Mr Bruce, of Regent-road, and will be on view as above to tho hour of sale. tf31deja4 TUESDAY NEXT. THE llTB VSTAXT, AAD FOLTB FOLLCSYING DAYS. PINE ART SALE. Tlie Auction Salerooms, 10.
Church-toreet. if ESSRS. JACOB GREETHAM have IvjL ben favoured with instructions from Mr. 8aluion, of 255 High Hoibom. London who is leaving England for Australia), to Sell by Auction, on Tuesday Next, the Uth i intent, and foilowtns at 0116 ectl day 34 tl eir Rooms, CHUROH-STREET, The whole of his valuable Stock of OiL PAINTINGS.
BRONZES CIIINA. Cons' atin? of aliout 200 Original Works, purch 8-d direct from tne easel of the artists, or from exhibitions in England and abroad They coctato specim -ns by the following well- known masters: Coomaa, SchlesinBer, Sier, Perranlt, Meadows, Leslie, Cahill, MorUind, Shayer, Karting, Van Oss, Le Brua ciiMAA. "Hayes, REAL FLORENTINE BRONZES IN GROUPS, FIGURES. BUSTS, RARE SPECIMENS OF CHINA, In Vienna, Sevres, Dresden. Worcester, Delft, Oriental, Capo di Monti, Coburg, HIGHLY-FINISHED EARLY ENGLISH CABINETS, Inlaid with Stones, Ivory, Variegated China Plaques, end heavily mounted in Chased Ormolu, with G1 ss boors.
Tne above valuable Collection will be on view on Monday, the day prior to sale, when catalogues may be had, or will be sent post on previous application. Umon-strfe, Coopers SuckTt of Barrels. Staves. Tron and Wood Trass Eras, Grinding Stone, Office Furniture, and other Fffecta MR. JOHN GEORGE PARKER will Sell by Auction, This Day (Tuesday), the 4th instant, an Twelve clock noon, on the Premises, 40, Union-street, the ahoi PROP CRT To bo viewed on the morning of sale.
Public Salerooms, 7, Houghton-street. MR. JOHX GEORGE PARKER will Sell by Auction, on Fnday next, 7th inst at Eleven ocioc: th forenoon, at the alove address, a quantity of HOUSEHOLD FTJRNITDRE, several Barrels of Ale, quantity of Boots and Shoes, Stock of Grocery, Stock of ToS. and Fancy Articles, and other effects. To be viewed on the morning of sole, when catalogues may be had REYNOLDS' SALEROOMS AND AUCTION MART.
LIMB-STREET. The Largest and Handsomest Establishment of tho kind in the country, capable of holding 1000 persons Tbe most runsuai facilities for the Disposal of all 'mods of Goods, Funuture, Art Collections, Musical Instruments, Jewellery, Plate. Entire Suites of Furniture may be arranged in vanous ports of the hall so as to display each article to th-. oost advantage A fireproof safe for valuables. MR.
REYNOLDS is prepared to receive immediate OONSTOSMESTS, and to ADVANOB MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT on goods for positive sale. The most advantageous terms offered Applications for early fixtures of sales should be made at once to MR. ALF'RED REYNOLDS, THE REPOSITORY. LIME-STRECT. To-day (Tuesday), the 4th instant Important Sale of Bootw and Shoes, MR.
A. J. REYNOLDS has received instruct ons to Sell by Auction the remaining portion of a Manufacturer? Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, consigned to the rooms for immediate disposal. In this larje stock will be found hoots and shoes of every style, shape make, nd finish Tbe whole stock will be on view at Tv. oclock.
Sale at 2 30 precisely To-morrow (Wednesday), the 5th instant. Lima-street Auction Sale Rooms, at Two o'clock precisely. BY A J. REYNOLDS, rjPHE Useful HOUSEHOLD FtfRNI- JL TUBE and Appointments, removed to the rooms for convenience of sale, comprising many fashionable suites, sn eral ex client carpets cottace pianoforte, very powerful nc in walnut cas, Queen Anne mantel mirror, cabinet to mVh, carvjd English oak suite, two large boardroom ta harmonium mahogany tables, toilet table, dress mg tables aud wasustands. cheats of drawers, wardrobes, bookcase, gouts and ladies easy ohairs in morocco, early Euglish des gned timepiece (aamelled dial), iron and brasi bedateftla bcddiog, blankets, sheeting, rugs, fenders and fireirors, and the ordinary requisites for secondary and servants requirements, al30 a few choice lots of Oriental TbMiLcellames include some fine Florentine bronzes, also five very costiv diawing-room clocks, under glass shades, of very superior design end workmanship, along with eight marble duimfe-room clocks in CaiTara murblo, imaid wjta nrhe Od Paintings embrace works from the easels of A Barlow, Fonslc-n, Holland, Munro, Also sir iar-re mantel mirrors massive gut frames, to clc sc an account A J.
REYNOLDS, Auctioneer Wenskydale Auction Mart, Lower Ereck-road, Liverpool. Fortnightly Dairy Cruv Sale TOBERT BURNSIDE will Sell by $Lav A1 ion, on Thusuay nxt, 6th January, 30 newly efthen fl of choice direct from the country in ond oonuJtiO full of hair, aiu ripe for tne p-td Ah nc joned bohuti in nds aitention to the acovo, ancl hotts that icy will, et tho hsnnn'ng of apther veur. gie him th hearty support Sale to commence punctinuly a 1C 30 ft ru Bnnkn Moor Partington lja9 BY MESSRS. SHAW AND KITE, On Friday next, the 7th instant, at Two oclock, at their Ground Floor Salerooms, 73. Renshau -street, YK7'EFKLY ale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Tron an i Brass B-'daaas, Cottage Pianoforte, Iron Safe, Chests of Drawers.
Siucboarde, and other iroreriy, reiuoed from vanons lesiihuces. Also, ft quantity of choice TEA and about 60 BLANKETS. Ou view morning of sale. Consignments tested for ottf weekly cales. Valuations ffeote4 for ali susb ows.
Xond on-road. aluable Shop Propertv, Nos, 41 BY MBSSsTfNCBTLEEm So-morrow Wednesday). 5th January, at Two precisely, at the Law Association Eooma, Cook-street, LfremoL, 4 ALL that Piece of LAND, situate on the north aide of Loodon-road and west ride of Fraser street, Liverpool, enth the large SHOP thereon, Noe amd 43. London-read, bounded on the north by common Issae 2 inches In mdth, and on the west Xondon-rosd aforesaid, containing in front to Igatonroart aforesaid, to a bevelling line, 3o J. aforesaid, also to a bevelling line, 69 feev 6 inches, ana mnnc to depth backward angle anTruuninc to farther depth towdrd onto Sxe said common passage 24 feet, and from JVsseJ-street aforesaid on the north side passage 23 feet 6 inches, be tho said several mmenaio ns thereof a little more or less.
The tenure is leasehold under the Corroratioj ot X-erpcl Ifior a term of 75 years, commencing on the 4th Apnl, 15 4 Th ebSSali Jw erected by Messrs Hwfh wd 0 Two-thirds of the purhase money may remain on mortgage by the kind permission of the the auctioneer. Hanover-v street, or to Messrs Fialft and Caghtman, 3, Fenwick Liverpool. BY MESSRS BRANCH ALEFiE, To-morrow (Wednesday). 51' daj of Januw. at Han Two for Three odock precnci.v.
a- Jjj1 nStious of 'Rooms, 14, Cook-etrert Lncn-ool, 8 office during Jale wh.ch ma bo inspected R.t tae solicitors rWELTlNG HOUSE, No. 44, HSrrSefWsJaLnS liSimK st Homer-efreet, or to Cleaver ana iSdliStis North John-street, twrpooj zfreehold Premise, in Maguire-street, Liverpool, Plant and ft JESSES. BRANCH LEETE ate AtJl instructed by the Liqu dator of the Liver Sugar jEtenning Company, Limited, to Sell by Auction. on Thursday tho iustant, at Half-past Two for Three ciock the afternoon, at the Law Association Rooms. Liver-pool, subject to conditions then and there to be produced.
in one more lot-3, all those two Freehold Plots or Parcels of LA YD, formerly three plots of land, situate in Maguire-street, Liverpool, and contaimngtogetner J'-4squa, yards or thereabouts; together with the Sl GAR KOLsE or Warehouse erected thereon lately in the occupation ol 6he Liver Sugar Refining Company, L1 anted; ana the valuable PLANT and MACHINERY therrnu For particulars apply to the auctioneers, Ranover-street, Xaverpool to Messrs Harmood Banner and Son, North John street, Liverpool or to Jesous, Ryley, and Style, solicitors. 19, Sweeting-street, Liverpool. mtfH.ialCx CLOSS A TF.UVT Freehold Xwelling House, No 3 Wealey-otreet, Liverpool. BY MESSRS BRANCH A LEITE. On Friday the 14to instant, at Haf-past Two for Three o'clock the afternoon, at the Lteerpool Law Association 'Rooms 14, Cook-street, Liverpool, subject to conditions to be th produced, THE Freehold DITELLING HOUSE, No.
3, Weslej -street, Liverpool Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, Hacover-street, Liverpool and from Mr Thoan Ftty, boiic.tor, 22, Lord-street, Liverpool. ORIRR OF THE J0RT04GS. MR. GEORGE TURNER, This Day (Tussdnyh the 4th instant, at Two for Half-nst Two oclock in 1 19 afternoon at the Law Association Rooms, 14, Cook-street, Liverpool, subject to conditions of ALL that Piecs of LAND with the Unfinned DWELLING HOUSE thereon, situate O'1 the soutb-westerlj sidt of Prmcs-road, and north-' west rly (tide of North HJ1 rtreet, Liverpool Leasehold for 75 vcais from 2ith March. 1879 ground rent 15 7s Sd, For further particulars aoulv to Messrs Fryer and Conway, Pnnudi Ch.mbt vs, :3.
Victona-strcet or to Messrs. J5 mth p-M Son solicitors Newington Liverpool Auction Rooms 44 Chirc'' rtreet CEsUbLshed 1810 lvocH WEEKLY SALE. On Thursday neat the Cth January, at Eleven oclock '4k mtial Household Furniture seeral fine-tonedCottase Pianof rtes, and Dtmnc-room Sites, P-derta! and Enclosed Sideboards. Walnutwood Cabinets and Chiffo Mantel Glass'-s Brussels Carpete, Bed-loom Su tes ir muhoan an I birh and FunhsbmgRequj-n in iv i for 'r'en c41 EORGE TURNER SONS 145oth W-ertv U4 wh tike pUec on Thursday neit, the Janua-v at Eievn oclock, st their Aucton Rooms, 44, Ourcn-streo and wnP ndu ie a (are semblage of modem a-4 useful HOI STTHOLD FURNITURE and FURNISHING REQi IS1TES removed from var-ous residences for convenience of s.le, including powerful toned cottage pan ifortes eminent makers in itwood cases mantel passes jTllt frames wai.utwood drowun-room suites up-fcolstecd in repp, caomets vnlh silrerea-glass backs and marble slabs, waluutwood centre tables, Brussels carpets ea ial new timepieces, gtass, china, manogany sideboards wfth Uveed Siara backs, mnhuany chiffonnieres, mahogany dinmg, ceutr and loo tiMes bookce, mahogany chairs, rouens, and uphoVerd in haircloth; engravings, cd partings cioths, mahogany and iron bedsteads, mattresses, feather beds, bedding, mahogany and birch wash-stands and toilet tab'ss with ma-ble slabs, toilet glasses irahogany and buco wardrobes vnta Blvered-glRSS panels, srnhogany and other chests of drawers, toilet services, sauted bedroom form tore, kitchen requisites, and articles. Fnrtn-? consignments (nvibvi On view prior to the sale.
Auction Rrtoms. 44. Church -stet iicholi Duelling Fioi3C, Ash grove, Wavrtree. BY MR GEORGE TIRNKK Or. Wednesday, the 12th Jenuarv, at Half-past Two for Three oclock precisely, at th" Law Association Rooms, I'1, Cook-street, L.ver; ool bjcci to concuions of sale to be then nd there produced, A Uiecs of LAND, with the Three MESSUAGES thereon, p'tuate on tne west ade of avertre containing front to Ash-grove 60 feet inches, at the back 55 feet 1 mch, running depth wards 39 feet, and containing the whole 415 8-9ths r-iuare jards.
For funner particulars apply toth auctioneer, 4, Church-atreet, Liverp ol or to M.eS'trs Yv hitey, Maddock, and Kamuson, solicitors. 6. Water-street, Liverpool tioldejull Eaots. About 500 pa.rs, comprising a very choc stock ot Mens, Womans, Boys, Girls, and Childrens in great variety, fashionably and well made, offering a selection of goods aoecially sirteci for the Clothing, 'Underclothing, Dress Miter uls, and Srnor.es, to le cleared in ord to clos 'g acco mts. Mr.
GEORGE HENRY BARKER will Sell by Auction, This Day (TuesdavJ, 4th inst Eleven oclock, at his Central Ground-floor 9. Fubmond-street, Uhtecbaiel, the Stooi of BOOTo, CLOTHING, and SVDRIES Bvtendrtl parti cnlan may had from the Auctioneer Provts ons Jams, Ac 50 Smoked and P-ile Hams 2o cools Buttcrice, a few kegs and barrels Rootless Pig Tongues, quantity Italian Goods, comprising Mustard, Tapioca, Fixe, Coffee. Apple tellv Kehup Sauce tc MR. GEORGE HENRY BARKER will Sell by Anction, on Fnduv next, the 7th mstMit, at Twelve oclock, at his Central Ground Floor Saeroom, 9, Rtchmonu-strt, YV bitechapl. the valuable STOCK of REOViSIOSS.
GROCERIES, Sax, cf which full partuculars n.ay be had from the auctioneer. To Grocers Provision Dealers, rnd Othrs. GASKILL will Sell by Auction, Lli To-morrow (Wednea lay), the 5th instant, at Eleven oclock, ucon the Premises, S9, pitt3trest, tha GOODWILL and FFXTURF9 of the Shop. Trade ocnsils, S-'als, Canisters. the remaining Stock-in-Trade ol GROCERIES and Effects For further particulars apply to Messrs.
Gibson, Boll and and Jackson, South Joiua-streot or the auctioneer, at his y-'fvros 27 Cable-st: jet lo Ironfovm irs. Engineers, Millwrights, and Others important Sale of vaiuaole and modern Patterns for every description of fourderY. engineers, and millwrights machinery. Too1 3 Boring Bars Wheels "T1 M1 JLfi iustmctoDs from Mr Johnson to Sell by Auction, on Thursday next the 5th instant at Eleven o'clock prompt, on the Premises, 35 and 37, N.vylor-street, Vaaih ail-road, Liverpool the whole of is valuable and extensive Stock of ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Pnd IRON FOUNDERS PATTERNS, the whuie of Which will be carefully arranged, bo that eath pattern be perfect vyhen desent ed catalogue, and will Include wheel patterns of all desorptions ('pin, bevd, mortice, ruitre, patterns for sugar, saw, nee, aud Qour mils, crare patterns, engines, pipes, columns, brewery patterns, brackets, sheaves slide rests, governor bails from 2 to 10 inch flywheels, centres and other descriptions of patterns, wrought and cast-iron tools, shns iiiams. and ejects.
had or delivered by post upon application jo the auctioseer, at his rooms, 27, Cabletreet. On now fin or to 3 de. By order of tie Frteu-or Useful Household Furniture and Effects Safe, Messrs, anderton jude havo received instructcna to Sell by Auction, To-morrow Wedneadnj the rth mst at Hlev -n oclock the forenoon, njon th- Pnm 27 street, Princes PrK, the aseiul HO SKH'LD FURN iTUP.B and effects comprising xnahoganv loo tauh sit mahogany chairs and couch, mahogany c' Tonnif uuatnot, large chin.ney gas3 in gilt frarqe, xr ihoganv co-ntce pole and rings curtains, caTpet, hearthrug, oiiclotn, tenders and fire-iron, steM engravings ornaments pi nted dresser, pembroke table Windsor and other chairs, haf-tester and French bedsteads, feather neds and bidding, chest drawers. cuc)iessewahBtand and dressing tvble, chamber ware, tha U3ual kitenen requisites, and a Milners On view morning of saa, when catalogues maybe had upon the Premi-es, at the Auchou er-', 77, Dnitreet or iVIr. Cijei -h, solicitor to toe exutor, 23 And 25, Hatton-gej-rien, X.ivarr ool LUCAS Li V7'Rft)OL SELECT SALE VAIL ABLE HORDES DF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Id P-oughaji and Cf ge Hunters, HacU, Col a.
Poni3. a few stl Carriages, BY MES-iKS Li OAS CO On Thrrvay next, January 6tn, 1381. at their Repository, Liverpool sale omrpencing at Twelve oclock. 'I he Property of brent Lentlercun Erougham carriage horses, valuable Co Hunte-s, Hacks Harness Horses fcc. Several Stylish CARRIAGES.
Horses Unt itrd for tins Sm" to be at the Repository by Twelve oclock Thi3 Day (Tuesday) IN LIQUIDATION. CALLTETS PARLL EXPRESS COMPANY. IMPORTANT SALE SETEXTEEN well-seasoned HARNESS KORSJ Tbree New VANS, bu Second-hand VANS, Tuxeo SPRINGCARTS ard Nine Sets of HARNESS. BY MESSRS LUCAS CO On Saturday naxt, January B. at their Repository, Liverpool, sale commncme at Twelve odick, The vrel-knoHTi STX3K of Calhes Parcel Express Company, in liquidation cons jst.ne of 17 HORSES in good hard working condition, nine VANS (tbree of them newf, taree SPRXNG-CAJLiTo, and nine sets of HARNESS.
9 The Whole to be Sold W.thout Reserve. On view Friday pnor to and morning of sale Without Reserve To Restaurant and Iiuung-rooa Reepera, Brokers, and others. BY "MR J. H. I'OVTNLEY, On Monday next, the 10th inrtant, at Half-past Eleven in the morning, upon tne Premises known as the Iaw Association I'lmng Ro'nis, Cook-street (in consequence of Messrs J.
Horrop and Co wine and spirit merchants Bnioswick-street, hft' ngtakenthcnremis asal-riach establislimrnt), LL Its FIXTURES. Fittings, Furni- JX ture, tensd-m-Tra le eompns ng nine djung tables, 24 chairs, manogany dumb winter, ga3 stoves, hot-water dishes with gas heating apparatus electro teapots, plate covers entree d'shes, spoons forks, knives, nine cruets, patent coffee stand, Litc-fatn utensds, cooking range, Safga daid tblfis with elAto topi, dialled, plates, and sundry ware. May be viewed on Saturday and morning of sale. Catalogues at the office of the auctioneer, 129. Dale-street, No, 51, Grey-road, Walton Household Furniture and other Effects.
ME.D.HODGKIAb has received instruc- tions to Sol) by Auction on Monday next, th lCfth instant, at Eleven ocloc-t. on the aoove-aamed Premises, the rm lining portion of HOt SEHOLD PURNITl RE, comprising the dining aud dr-iwin? rooms, mahogany and rosewood au'tes, 100 and dmii tables, excellent pedestal sideboard and chiffonriere plate-glas nod panelled doors, carpets repp and lace fendprs and fire sets, in i'll tel glasses, Ac The several bcrlrooirs are furmsbed vith iron French Isteadc, palii tn khogany and painted hes Irswrs. toil glas.s capitel wardrooe with ulate-rla panelled door, Unen press, Venetian blird3, andotner CfK-CS, On uew on worning of sale and catalogues had on the premises or from the Auctioneer, IS, uole-stret. A very choice and excecdmglj fine Collection of Cd Paintings ard Watercolour Draivmgs bv eminent artists. r5L 1).
KODGKIXS has received in- M1 structions to by Auction, on Th irsday the 13th at HcUf-i-ftst One in at the Law Assjciatou Roo ns, 14 Cook-street, an cxc -eilingly fine aDd choice collection of WATER-COLOUR DRAW I YDS and OIL PAINTINGS, embracing examples of celebrated artists, amongst which may be specially ruirmdu WATER COLOURS. David Cox, Copley Raiding, Ie Wint, OIL PAINTINGS. John Syers. Patrick Nasmyth E. C.
Williams T. Gains orooph, T. Cooper, James Ho'lftnd George Clare, AJex. Johnstone, Clarkson Stanfield, Hol'and, John Yarley. CO'per, Front, T.
Richardson, And other eminent artists. Tlie whole on view on WJrmsdfty, the 12th instant, and on the rnorulng of sale, whn catalogues may be had at the Law Association Rooms, 14, Cook-street or Troco tee auctioneer 13 Date-Street To Brush Manufacturers, Ship Painters, Colourmen, and Otbei-s MK. D. HODGKINS, Auctioneer, 18, Dale-street ha. on Sale, by Pnvate Treaty a quan-tit of GROUND PAINT BRl PHKS and SASH100L8 of txoelent qal'ty, ben.g the renaming Stock of a manufacturer declining business br.iipjes may be seen and further particuljj-s hftsl on i at No.
18. Palp-street Orrell near Amties Mr. PETER BLACKBURN will Sell Auction. To-morrow (Wednesdav) aud Thursday aext the 5tb arid 6th Januarj on the farm occupied by the lato Mr. Her WiKianuon, ui Orrell The FARM STOCK eoaoriu 'cry powerful brown horse seven years o)d 17 hands, suitable for chei ovu c' country work; de.Sirhe brown maie.
ten yesrs old, ICa band? ur, ful baj huis-1, seven years old, 15i hands; hand-some bay hwp, hands, fart and either harness or Aaifidle. iwo fit piira, ibout40 fowls, Ac PRODLCE-St ck of hay, stack of oats, stack of barley, magnum oonura potatoes, IMPLEMENTS. Three cans. Whitechapel. Alexandra drag, spring cart swing and wheel ploughs, single and double ditto, h-trrowj.
mowing n.achms GEARS hafe and ha ponj harness, ic. FUJRNZTURLOT lJa'iouri, B-droors, vtc in walnut maliOtonn. oirch, b-stepd, feather Vd'. carpets, timepiece tj KoAIl of Livcrjiooi, voaes, chroccoi, barometer, kit hen and ocher reams tea. The Farm Stock, Implements, and Produce will bo sold the first dav and the Household Furniture and Effects the Mondday.
ComiaendiK each day at Oue oclock. Ob tow moraines sal oaly, u.lde.at 2 ure Woman as NTESE in a Ovr-Prosunt-Apsly Prfore twelve or -vftor Bx. at S3 Fbrrihrthtree v-, VERAL SERVANT, ny 7auuarv 6 Afe not ureer IT J20 GoM ch ra from last sanation ft-IJ, Heman-reet. Upper HJl-rtreet. TTFANTFD at or -e ae-ra! 0rtral JRVA or TT Veils aUo NTJ.SE-H.Oe Apply to Mro.riron.3i Ppp'broke-pisc- I jTAXTTID.
a. clean respOTall-, acta-e GfRL ar'- TT Must hare a eoo'! charocA-. App.y rlt Jca I Must rtan.ant m. fireat (POOK -Goofl Pla. Cook I li are 25 to CO Vv a ariout 0 Small oary.
ArPD 4, Carter-rtreet. Pnnces rosd Mi rt Lars lived In rUK''3 n. Oarter-treet Prmoesr4.3 TTEAffvrFSB Wanted, at cnee y-otestant ae 1 three chMren. Wages about a. Apply a.
4. Car- rtreet, Pnrcos-road TrwrAvrFn a rerD1ctabl General SFRVANT place towm-7, Fraser- rreet. Tondon-road WANTED a gcod Gnra! SERVANT, age 2j to 'a 77.1a Meet -Anply to Mrs. Brora, Girrar forte. Tuebrook opposite Grern-lanl YfANTTUTagood Plam COOX ItOOc ctvt enibie -Apply to Mellor.
Stanrty, Good cwt inflis-Waterioo AXTEn00! rosperoabl- Cjl trith troM character as at Carlton Drvdpn-roftd Ece-ap 7TE.YltP.AL bEPVAST Wanted fnrP--WjeEw wages rood Good AJU fjr.r a.t i Tcskts 5 to Industrious woman App.y 13, Wert 1 7 CldeHfi IbT ANTED, a 'ood neral SKKVANT tor ft fv three. Protestant. Apply at 7. Eockfij 1-rojI, Aufleld. J- ANTED, a General SEltVATP wrti good sraie, He perron -Arpy Mt 1.
flrirra Vaults 264. Mill-str-et near Park-atroet WAN'TKD. for ethane, a strong OPRL 16 or another kept. Wages aoont v-, Mrrcury-ofhce. lrANTED a rertftole Gri assd dm 9 SERVANT for three famny, Appy rt rtrot.
7 i ANTED, immfi(hfttel7, ft NUR-iR to an Invahd oj dJf.dTroa& lift reqm; A Andress 73. Mereury-oSce WAVTTD a aui'-t respectanle Oen-ral SieRVAyT where nS-se is kept Must be Frotastant kppltr Woodlands. Long-lspe. Qarston. ETEEAL SPRVAN-T Wanted ini.st have a -tea cha-G rSer: OWV20 Protestant ten till two, Grove-street i'v ANTTtn eoodGratera! SERVANT foraMilkhonse Mrs.
Hosg. Back Parkfield-road. off Lark- lane, Liverpool iirri vtvj a. reftnectftble GIRL about IS yors 'f WAGSl-A P-ockceld-road. oS AnW-rond.
Walton apvvqiT, SERVANT Wanted. Age bout Gbe" thoroughly clean and rtreet 1C Radnor-place. Wst Dernv-roal. tirAN "ED, a thoroJBhiy gooa i P1 Wavrtree. ffrASTED, a General SFiT'fAT' w.th rood cr.aneter- weihroe.
and literal wares 1 7, No welshing, and libe: Knmgr-atrert opposite Rovaje 24. -a4 WANTED a respectable (Gneral 3ERVAVT for a puriic honao Port washing sent oute Nocmloren oa cco*k- Genera! SBRVA'TT, a stro-g G'ri who a knowing, of Plam cook pg A rood charocr md a- ponaable. Arply at Barton 4 nK 120. Edge-lane. GGi GeTT SE -IV AXT IProtastart) for Spirit Vaults.
Must be able to do plmn cookmg -A P'J at 14, between sis and eight in tho evenra; ricsse gerrattfe iranfing Whets. CIOOK or LaTrrdresR Wants an iran.ftt Unragremnt. i Ik Hai-b-rt-eet 3 5 agird la tvo i-actw. Address, 4jqlQ Ion as HOUSE- TTNDFR-HOl AID by rebpectabh fij ye3rs and four raontos gooa cr a 20 Mercun-offci ft "ffv-ANTED, by a Yonne Perso XX MAID or 20. ChHdgr-rt-t O' -Adcr ftTTAN i ED by ar peetaVi Girl asuratso i XX SERVANT.
Apply to Miss Donald, 16. Eigi Gvn.ral ANTED, by a respertablo Peraon. as food a k' Good re- "Gentleicana a uy Enpih Protestant, fprences 40 jornir7ofh' 4 Thorouirhy exp nenced Htsl COOK is ic want of A tuation l-jstrclass reierence. Address L. f5, 4ftg OOK Wutea, by a thoroughly experienced Woman, a Situation in a RfsNanrant in town.
Good references. Address 3 Knt-snua. 4ial0 A Ladv wishe to fin 1 a place as HOUSV VI or General Servant, for a Girl of 17 Understands her work. Address 'fr; TVptrer Fonrtbv rear Livernool WAN TKD, by a Vouig Woman. Situation as COOK Understands a diiry and baking.
Country preferred. 206 Clauvhton-Toad Birkenhead a3al0 PLAIN COOK or General Servant neat, superior aps ance two years good personal character EnsLsh Pro-tertant Artlv to Mrs W.i'te-r.son, 46. Cliurch-street alO Housemaid-waitress, good address undrstanas her duties gnodperbona! character Scotch Protertant; 24 Apply to Mrs Williamson. 46, Church-street djaI0 lT7ANfEDa Situation as cood PTam CO-K in a Gntle-n man family good bread baker; good references Address 5, Queens-road a a 6 AN experienced Young Person requ-res a Situation as NL RSE can take the baby from the month. Address 55.
Rhiwlas-rtreet Princes Parte ANTT, Situation as Plain COOK willing to assist with housework. Apply to Gibson, 5 u-berrv-rtret natiTe of Liverpool; 20 years old; last place. South end preferred. Trnt.estfl.nt 17 St Jams-place. MKS AvDBRSONS First-class Registry Office.
Saaw-rtreet (Opposite College) Good Servants supplied immediately on p'ratinn iW bootan ANTED, on as Generd bERVAN or pnnte, Goof washer and ironer Apply to Mrs. dd, 39. Great Mervy-rtrert 4jo6 11HERLAND Girl as GENERAL Can wash and iron. Are 21. 3 Protestant.
Mrs, Prttitts, 4, Great eonre-streeti 42 0 ftrANTED. by a respectable Person, as SEWING MAID 7 or Chffdrm Fo -r years good reference ddress BMP. 51. Ja ob-street. Pir-a-road ANTED by ft respectable Person, a Situation as NURSE cr Housemaid-Waitress.
Apply at Glm Iga. near Conwy North Wrdes. xI2l TisT ANTED a S.tuat on as Head UR iE in afenfclemvn 1 family' Has had great experience. Is a good needle- wriman Aldres I ,39 Wflloughby-gtreet Eihll 3p.3 i CJiO 3FSS rstiBLREE ears character as HOI SEMAID-WAITR fi. been two years as nuree can iron good seamstress, 14 Vra itt a 4 Great 3-a5 a'ANlEl rt soect ie oun rson, a bi ustoa as NURSE.
Experienced First onby preferred, (toed references -Addre4 15 Mcreurv-oge. 3. TTSEFl MAllJ or b-wuic 'laid Good needlewoman and plftin dressmaker Four and a half years refer rce. 7 57 Othifflo-strre- Krks7e 3r3 CIiHracer, as GENERAL TWO and a Hall wash anl iron food of children. Protestant Mrs Pettitts 4 areatflwijMtwN aje 22, SIT1 VTtOV as N1 RbE to an 5ivaJ tl or any plve of trest ra prvate or ff'c business Well recommended.
Address 2 reury-offic' Five ears larater. as C'OK o- wsh, ra, and wait O' in Protestaut. n3 Mrs Prttiti3 4 Great G-cr -street A ffe to Ag 26. A Good General SERVANT a in want of a S.tua'ion. Good reference from last place Apply at 7, Snerwood-street, off Great Howard-street.
ANTED, by a respectable YungPeraon are 21 aS.tu- fcon as HOUSE VIVID. Is CathbLm, and has a good reference Address F. 5, Luthrs-reet. Everton 3yw RpectaDlo oji Person, aged 23 llhao Protertanti, A' wishes an Engagement to Abroad. Go1 referen s.
of Vfrs Htiut 6 Golon ti-rtret Rold-rtr et 3ftS JY ft superior Person COOK where assistance is given. Prote ant IS months excellent character in Liveuiool Dairy. PIag-rTi ansfmturain O-rweyrr ,0 rTPPJER qj charge of an mfaaf lis prenai character p-ntert nt rnlv Mre Givr 1 lOe-bre ced and truiworthv can mfaaf lls nal character Wan a -ig tnt ndrr- stand her duties thoroughly. Hasjiersonalcharat- Apply to Mn. Olrer, 1, Lodlane 3ja5 lx months BUTLER Indoor berv nt TLr'-e and a 'half years character Age I.
3, MarLet-pljce, Horncartle. Pall raHREF Ytprs prrsar.al reference, as HOUKli Ul J- WAITRUbS, woiil go Housemaid. Protest? at. 72 Waees 1S to 18 Mrs Offer l-rt lja7 iIEcara sit nui t'aS S3 ce. Gool COOK Protestant 35.
Wag.s 20 to 25 it Age 3b. Wag.s 20 to 2o App5 Mra oW-ti et lit4 junc Pirson iTCHI VN AID in ii hro, Not W- out befola Good 37. Moses cel- UD Wautl by an to kouu Osier. 120i. BoM-rti BY a spi gentleman references Address TTOLSEMAiD Situation Wanted by an an ve ouun Jii Person, ago 25 Two years character 3L E.
C9, Lavan-street Vw Derb-road la4 sefu'i forSnc Lady Caod krovloie ot urs-railhrery, cuclvnist Ag 35. Wages 20 to 22 Blanktey. Qneeus-rovl, S-ufhpori l-a7 ET NURb51 Wartei, a Sitiii ion 1 a rs, Widow aged 24, just confined. Apply Mi3 Cox 35, Lissant-trcet, E.1ghill 31 le aS Town or cotin trv. rOUNG Warts handed or othe v.se.
Over two years sood chararter ruarion as BUTLER snmle- irarter Churcunan 9 Th er 3MejaS MP.S DLaO.N'S First-uart SFKVANTb' EGiSTRY OFFICE Hotels and Pr. ate Faimhes supphea w'th Servants very capacity 31 mbr re. SCd Rtp cume Nouns WOMAN wib good rettnncis "Ion Grarr.I Servant or otr.envise. A wants situat Apply M. A.
Gibus, 20. Moon-street, Pembrose-rjace 20feja5 A Lady wishes to rccoirujier a Swiss Protesuaut who hvel inhersemee as Head Nnree for three year and a half. She Is a very good needlewoman. Wages 25. AHrert T.
36. Aigburth-read. Liverpool 4iff0 HAiNiED, iy nspectaoie oung Person, a Situation as HOUSFMA ware aWaitrcas is kept Aued 25 Two years ana a half last situation. Address 14 Qxton-toad, Birko mead iiaS WANThD.Re-eigag-mentasSEWTNirorCKiLDRPa.N MtD; no uressmaking comfortable hom*o, eight years reference from lafct family. P.
39, ur.cfi M-rtreet. Edgenul 4al0 WANTED, by a respectable young person, a tuathn as HOUiSUifAED or WAITRESS alone in a mans family Address A. No 33, Gwydir-street, Toxteth-park. ENTLEMFN FAMILIES OTHERS REQl IRtNG NJT SERVANTS. Mrs Tergie having bad coaisideraole experience can promptly supply suitable at 2 I'eaihros-e-Dlv 3-3 W'ATLD, as.tuationby a respectable uug vomanaa Under LAC NURY MAID 18 month'? iod references; town or country Addiess A.
14, Camden-rtreet, Bootle. jLXPERiENCEG WAlTllEaS, -or Lays Maid, 2J years, Am excellent character thoroughnetdlewoir.au. English Protestaut. Age 24 Apply to iLs Williamson, 46, Church-gtr(rt 29dea4 fiftV a re3jectKblc Pron a. IS, a bit lat.on as HO.
M.AID or Housem? ff-Waitresr ia a small fanilv Wages expected 10 to 12. Apply at 12, Tnmtj-rocd Bootle EXPERIENCED COOK, thorougnlj undtrstands her duties, 13 mouthy good person character Scotch Protestant Age 36. Apply to Mrs. Williamson, 46, Church-street 25dea4 o. Waited, Siwuatioa oy energetic Man, JO tlioroug.ily experienced, where footman is kept or goiSingle-hraded places Age40.
Height 6 fect Sraches. Snffe Good nersonal sn 5r.Jr 80 Hawssteue- SWJit, Kiel-s-roetl. -lRS. GARDNER'S FIRST-CLASS GOVEKTOS'AND JX ofiKVAAIs 1 AGIiOl, it Uarejce-stroet, iicMUty- street. Liverpool.
iirot-clasa SERVANTS. Srrranta rrdi ba bervants wdl be attended to the evening, and tots in tne country will hare prompt attention by appljing by letter So charge mane to them until ng-iced. yiOLtnJITT-CHAJSIBEB3, next the AnothecarTTrair ColQuitt-street (second uoor from Md-streetl Tr jIOTT'S Firstrolnse AGENCY for Male andFenito iervSto is now camea on atth abora address, in couoncbmi tStS her Old-estabhshed Ofcce. Jh, (ayaOabtc at both offices), Lacies, tr until engaged Ererv descripti. Myrtle-street.
B. Ainssssr WfANTED, ft GfffL, aged aboi 13, to assist with Lhe house work. Appy 18, Camngton-strert, Pnccp s-road. 1 I I 17AC3, 4nir) 1 1 I I I I 1 i i 1 I 1 I on of servauu 201V iadra tins' and first, aud scrud toos3 ecuhO. A -Davies BTirangbam Houy.
Cowen, Slc-rn; AN experienced Lay requires a Daffy R-engarmn. Foir years reference Tooreirb Engl scu very music, Frencm H. EL, Professor Husson. 66, 31 -e '7 ANTED, an experienced Deffy GOVERN Es to 7 chjiren Sa miles from tne Ercliange. correnatt.
1 bua and raJ A drss, sta'ms terms, retsrences, SO, AN experienced Vunc dy drfj-es an Eruaj -Daily GOVERNESS to Cnddren under Ac; ments EngLh. good music drawinv and French. st rererenres Ares 194 Mercurvffice 2 1 KC TORS Son (uhcrs.ty min) dero engagement as hoorl or dailv TITuRor Cornpa- 1 to one or two boys, in a gtatieman family. Excellent tes -raonuls. 31.
Clntoa-road A Lady. espenerceG That on, ar i rav.nT tne r. testimonials dos-res ra'-e -ct PAIL' GOVERN ES3 Thoroarh Enghsh French, iitrnc, an. German Andress Uta Mercu- -office 2 a'a TJEQUIREO by ft 'oung a da Water'oo, or resident -n a gentteua' family Good references for teaching. Address Mercury-office Cn 's- A Successful GOVERNESS two yeare prt-vrat In or Ennaeraent.
desres one for Afterrocns French (Parisian), advanced music, luititiitr PhythiftD-atreet 4 Young Lady accustomed to teaowrtr ruire a tion as daily NURSERY GOVERN FS to (jdren. I nrlish andmus Neighbouruood of Fairfield, Knotty Ash. Address, G. A 4, Stanley. 77 to place a Vourg L.idy as JI GOVERNESS or Assistant Teacher ft cood ua Has just completed a term as govrucos put trench, and music.
Sarary no object. Address Mercury-office, rja daily Engagement for her oaug1 ter in a vanced English good arithmetic, French, dra-no c. i- rantarv German Moderate adary Go referee dress Mr Fowler, cherart. Queen s-road. Li-erx ol ANTED, a Young Lady to take entire charge-0' chil Iren, boy 8 r-rl4; good oeealewoma Protestant must wnte full particuare a-A parer to fixations, fcc, giving references.
Address Mis Lan.t 1 .0 S' camoree rtuan Lu.t ANTED, in the n-ighbournod of Pn.o. Mormrig GOVERN EisS hours ten. to one) to l- -J70 young cmldrcn. eldest nine years of age, In French, and mus.c Andress, giving terms and ref 11 Mereur -office A Ladyoi exptrnce'n Tt.Ou i) Rurauemcat. Aor lire treats Thorounlh rr--c.
acffujve' Fans, advanced drawing, and water-eiour tan prepar0 for -he loral exanuuat ous A 'dress 'J IV Ca-esoire s.i tne C.ie&nire s.i. jagement a a re English, and fr -5 eipenemea, good testimonials Addrtrt i. iier rr office ti OVERNESS experienced) desires F.e-'rgare" Thorough En.lisn, aivanced anuuuet ur-w rag (freehand, mouei, and wa tr colours). pno harmony, R.A grammatical German ana Sherbroo College, Lavemler-hill. Lennon.
Co A Lady expenencd in teach. ng desires an Motiimg, Aiterronn. or Duly GOVEr'' chJ iren under 12 Satisfactory references. Serton or Pnnce Park Mercury-office. 7 ANTED, by a Young ILadj 4 morning, afternoon, or la.1 roansf ininy asGOVFJINEoB -c'- ANTED, by a Young Lady in Tui.
7 the hgn.s-v testimonials, a ite-et-r g'; Tliily or Re5.den6 CklVUlXEaS Aanar-mt-u Freioh muaic. Lata, an.l lraw-nr yaars- r.f ci. aafea 25 Address 44 144 301. ATLRI.OO, Blundelisands, v.v LW, excellent references. cteSares a re-enrar Tr-rata.
Da GOVERNESS AcQuarements Tuorcugh Encia Fr (con), German, Latin, hiUs.c, Draw r. Auress 122, M-rcury-office Rengagcnient as Pafly cr GOVERN Eb in a S'hcol crF.ipidv ra B'ritenhrtui ncshbourbood to chiilren under 13, by a Ladv expense-trained as a Teacher (Certfficatea) AqjtreJLeiits tnus eleraeutary French God rtsi-reuce Audrey car-- rtj nsou and Koimc 10 Op, ltree. I Z'M "riLITARY TL TOR. A Retired Officer or experience fti tuitton, estahhsnms himself atCnnstraas in Liver't will be Prepared to Attend Softools and Families where Hr-s are Reauia for the Amy and Cinl Sennce For retere 1 aidress Wajor Na.al and Md-tory Club '-T dilly, London, W. 51 ALLA-Ex GRAKSlAR SCHOOL.
Owm? res najon of Mr Le Maitre. a SECOND is required ror the Wall soy Grammar benooi CV-' ire -5 once. Requirements Exper ence teaching and tx o- fficiprne mdkSpens ible good cl*tics O' matfces Thorough Fgl.sb science a -reat recommend-5 tira Grau preferred Sa.ary 140 with share of evening cl a-Api by letter onli to the Head Mter, Liscard, desire. 1 FOB REUADfDEa OF WANTS S2E PAGES 2 AND 3j VALUABLE DISCOVERY FOB. THE HAIE.
If your har is turning grey or white. ralUng off, use THE MEXICAN HAJR RENEW ER ri it wiU positively restore in every case grey or wljte mu its original colour, without leaving the diS-ireeaole st- most restorers. It makes the hair chan.miz.y oe as well as promoting the growto of the hair on bolu where the glaSSaSlot deSyc? LkfoijSemio. "unswswwusiMeiwi.uewjfw. jour Mexican Hair Renewer, price 3s.
cd, per coitie sale Depot Reirorod to 3oT nnedon-ro i TEATIAG rtangdon-ro COUGH LOZLAX-LS, An ever-increaging sal of nearly Sixty Years EATIXG'S COUGH LOZEAGK- The Best "and Safest Remedy for Congna. tetter. Plilegm, and Tickling the Throat. K1 CTVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS iCaatmas ExcdM, fee Classes held at 6. Colqmtjfltwet Principal: J.
Keefe Pnp'ls too't 44th, 48th, 67th. and 83rd placra In A.iguat esammationa lor clerk3lnp3 MeaTO Gibncy Helaby, ana Butler passed October preliminary Messrs. Irvine and Reynolds took 18th and 51st places November ee, fie Country camlldstes prepared tnrongli the post, Z8denl0 TDIRKENHEAD UNION. The Guardians of the BMten-13 head Lmon require the services a MARRIED COUPLE, without eneimPimncB, as Labour MwtM and House Nurse, at the Tranuiere Workhouse. The persons auDomted will be required to moke themselves generally uasful, Particulara of duties may be ascertoined by applying to the maoter or matron Joint salary 50 per annumwith rations and apartments the woikhcuse, and an allowance 10s per atmum eioh in Uevi of beer.
Candidates must attend, with written applications ana testimonials of reoent date, at the Workhouse, on Tuesday, the Uth January, at three o'clock uuByorder PBTER GREGORY, Clerk. sandyexoft Bouse, Birkenhead, Deo. 31, 1680. SjaS EATIXG'S COUGH LOZEXGES. Convsraent to keep handy in th pocket TSgesSitallTEATIXGS COUGH LOZEXGL 1a Are un'vere'-uly R-cccraran le-1 Fa tr EATIXGS COUGH TCiZEXGlX Sold in 35ns.
Is. ljd. and 2s, hr ail.