Feet to Inches Conversion (ft to in) (2024)

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ft: Feet, in: Inches

How Many Inches in a Foot?

There are 12 inches in a foot.
1 Foot is equal to 12 Inches.
1 ft = 12 in

Feet to Inches Conversions

5 ft = 60 in

6 ft = 72 in

4 ft = 48 in

8 ft = 96 in

3 ft = 36 in

7 ft = 84 in

10 ft = 120 in

2 ft = 24 in

0 ft = 0 in

9 ft = 108 in

12 ft = 144 in

1 ft = 12 in

5.5 ft = 66 in

5.1 ft = 61.2 in

11 ft = 132 in

15 ft = 180 in

20 ft = 240 in

14 ft = 168 in

5.7 ft = 68.4 in

16 ft = 192 in

5.6 ft = 67.2 in

2.5 ft = 30 in

13 ft = 156 in

6.5 ft = 78 in

5.8 ft = 69.6 in

5.2 ft = 62.4 in

5.4 ft = 64.8 in

5.9 ft = 70.8 in

5.3 ft = 63.6 in

4.5 ft = 54 in

18 ft = 216 in

6.1 ft = 73.2 in

3.5 ft = 42 in

5.11 ft = 61.32 in

6.2 ft = 74.4 in

24 ft = 288 in

7.5 ft = 90 in

25 ft = 300 in

19 ft = 228 in

30 ft = 360 in

4.1 ft = 49.2 in

1.5 ft = 18 in

50 ft = 600 in

6.6 ft = 79.2 in

48 ft = 576 in

60 ft = 720 in

6.4 ft = 76.8 in

22 ft = 264 in

Feet Definition

A foot (pl. feet) is a common length unit used in Imperial system and the current US customary unit system. A foot is equal to 0.3048 meter. This unit of length has been used in Europe since the times of the Roman Empire and ancient Greece. A foot has 12 inches, and 3 foot make a yard. The abbreviation for foot is ft.

Convert Feet

Inches Definition

An inch is a unit of measurement in the American Standard of measurements. Twelve inches equals one foot. The inch is further divided into smaller units. There are 16 units in one inch. Each unit being one-sixteenth of an inch (1/16th inch). These small 16 units are grouped into larger units called: 1/8th inch which consists of 2/16ths (2/16ths being mathematically reduced to 1/8th). Two of these 1/8th units are 1/4th inch (also commonly called a quarter of an inch). Two of these 1/4th divisions equal ½ inch (again, 2/4ths being mathematically reduced to ½). Next, three ¼ inch units equal ¾ (commonly termed “three quarters of an inch). And finally, 4 1/4th units equal 1 inch.

Convert Inches

About ft to in Converter

This is a very easy to use feet to inches converter. First of all just type the feet (ft) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting ft to in, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Inches value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of feet to inches conversion.

You can also check the feet to inches conversion chart below, or go back to feet to inches converter to top.

Feet to Inches Conversion Chart
1 ft12 in
2 ft24 in
3 ft36 in
4 ft48 in
5 ft60 in
6 ft72 in
7 ft84 in
8 ft96 in
9 ft108 in
10 ft120 in
11 ft132 in
12 ft144 in
13 ft156 in
14 ft168 in
15 ft180 in
16 ft192 in
17 ft204 in
18 ft216 in
19 ft228 in
20 ft240 in
21 ft252 in
22 ft264 in
23 ft276 in
24 ft288 in
25 ft300 in
26 ft312 in
27 ft324 in
28 ft336 in
29 ft348 in
30 ft360 in
31 ft372 in
32 ft384 in
33 ft396 in
34 ft408 in
35 ft420 in
36 ft432 in
37 ft444 in
38 ft456 in
39 ft468 in
40 ft480 in
41 ft492 in
42 ft504 in
43 ft516 in
44 ft528 in
45 ft540 in
46 ft552 in
47 ft564 in
48 ft576 in
49 ft588 in
50 ft600 in
50 ft600 in
55 ft660 in
60 ft720 in
65 ft780 in
70 ft840 in
75 ft900 in
80 ft960 in
85 ft1020 in
90 ft1080 in
95 ft1140 in
100 ft1200 in
105 ft1260 in
110 ft1320 in
115 ft1380 in
120 ft1440 in
125 ft1500 in
130 ft1560 in
135 ft1620 in
140 ft1680 in
145 ft1740 in
150 ft1800 in
155 ft1860 in
160 ft1920 in
165 ft1980 in
170 ft2040 in
175 ft2100 in
180 ft2160 in
185 ft2220 in
190 ft2280 in
195 ft2340 in
200 ft2400 in
205 ft2460 in
210 ft2520 in
215 ft2580 in
220 ft2640 in
225 ft2700 in
230 ft2760 in
235 ft2820 in
240 ft2880 in
245 ft2940 in
250 ft3000 in
255 ft3060 in
260 ft3120 in
265 ft3180 in
270 ft3240 in
275 ft3300 in
280 ft3360 in
285 ft3420 in
290 ft3480 in
295 ft3540 in

Back to all Length conversions

Feet to Inches Conversion (ft to in) (2024)


What is 5 ft 3 in in just inches? ›

(5 x 12) + 3. This gives you 63 total inches.

What is 5 10 feet in inches? ›

5 feet 10 inches is equivalent to 70 inches. To do this conversion, keep in mind that one foot is equal to 12 inches.

How many inches is 5 7 feet? ›

Answer: 5 feet 7 inches is equal to 67 inches in total.

How many inches is 5 ft 4? ›

Answer: 5 feet 4 inches is equivalent to 64 inches.

What is 6 2 feet in inches? ›

To convert 6.2 feet to inches, we first multiply 6 by 12. Then we add the additional 2 inches. 6 feet 12 inches = 72 inches. 72 inches + 2 inches = 74 inches.

How tall is 4'11" in inches? ›

Therefore, 4 feet and 11 inches is equivalent to 59 inches. Personal 1-on-1 Live Tutoring with our dedicated Certified Experts.

Is 5ft 11 tall for a man? ›

But 5′11″ is still in the 75th percentile of height in the US for males, which means we are taller than 75% of adult men. That's pretty good.

Is 5'10" an attractive height? ›

It's an attractive height for many women. The average females height is 5ft 4–5. The average male is 5ft 9. You are slightly above average.

Is 5 feet 9 inches a good height? ›

According to the latest CDC stats, these are the average heights for U.S. adult men based on age: Ages 20 to 39: 176.1 centimeters, or roughly 5 feet, 9 inches. Ages 40 to 59: 175.8 centimeters, or roughly 5 feet, 9 inches. Age 60 and older: 173.4 centimeters, or roughly 5 feet, 8 inches.

What is 5 foot 8 in total inches? ›

Answer: There are 68 inches in 5 feet 8 inches.

Is 5'7" tall for a girl? ›

I think 5'6 to 5'8 is considered average height for women

So, no, it's not “small” in either of those places.

Is 5 7 a good height for a guy? ›

Yes, it's a very good height, for both men and women.

How tall is 5-6 in inches? ›

5 feet 6 inches is equal to 66 inches.

What is 6ft in inches? ›

Feet to inches conversion table
Feet (ft)Inches (")
6 ft72 ″
7 ft84 ″
8 ft96 ″
9 ft108 ″
17 more rows

What is the height before 6 feet? ›

Height Conversion Table
Feet & InchesInchesCentimeters
5′ 9″69″175.26 cm
5′ 10″70″177.8 cm
5′ 11″71″180.34 cm
6′72″182.88 cm
39 more rows

How many inches is a 5 ft 3 in person? ›

Answer: 63 inches is 5'3.

One inch is equal to 2.54 cms, and one feet is equal to 30 cms.

How do you write 5ft 3 inches? ›


How big is 5 by 3 ft? ›

area 3ft*5ft = 15 square feet or: 36in*60in = 2160 square inches.

What is 80 inches in feet? ›

Inches to feet conversion table
Inches (")Feet (ft)
70 ″5.8333 ft
80 ″6.6667 ft
90 ″7.5000 ft
100 ″8.3333 ft
23 more rows

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.