Cm to Feet+Inches Converter (cm to ft) (2024)

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Use our calculator to convert between cm and feet for height, length or distance measurements. You can also use our reference chart of commonconversions and read about how to convert. Here's what's on this page...

On this page:

  • Cm and feet calculator
  • Popular cm and feet conversions
  • How to convert cm to feet
  • Conversion methodology
  • Cm and feet conversion charts
  • What is 180cm in feet and inches?
  • How to convert feet to cm
  • Common feet to cm conversions
  • How many cm is 5'7"?

Popular cm and feet conversions

1 cm0.03281 ft
10 cm0.32808 ft
20 cm0.65617 ft
30 cm0.98425 ft
40 cm1.31234 ft
50 cm1.64042 ft
FeetFt + inCentimeters
5 feet. 5 in5' 5"165.1 cm
5 feet. 6 in5' 6"167.64 cm
5 feet. 7 in5' 7"170.18 cm
5 feet. 8 in5' 8"172.72 cm
5 feet. 9 in5' 9"175.26 cm
5 feet. 10 in5' 10"177.8 cm
5 feet. 11 in5' 11"180.34 cm
6 feet6'182.88 cm
Note: conversions are rounded to 2 decimal places.

Full charts are available further down the page, and we also havea height comparison chart here.

How to convert cm to feet

The formula for converting centimeters to feet is:

Feet = Cm ÷ 30.48

The formula for converting centimeters to feet AND inches is:

Whole feet = floor(Cm ÷ 30.48)
Inches = (Cm ÷ 30.48 - Whole feet) × 12

Cm to Feet+Inches Converter (cm to ft) (1)

Conversion methodology

To convert centimeters to feet, divide your cm figure by 30.48. To convert to feet and inches,divide your cm figure by 30.48 to get your feet and then multiply the remainder decimal by 12 to get your inches.

Example conversion

Example: Mabel is 171cm tall. She wants to know how tall she is in feet and inches. She can calculate as follows:

  1. Height in feet = 171 ÷ 30.48 = 5.61 feet.
  2. There are 12 inches in a foot. Her height remainder in inches = 0.61 feet * 12 = 7.32 inches.
  3. Mabel's height is 5 feet 7.32 inches (5'7").

Cm and feet conversion charts

  • Cm to feet
  • Feet to cm
Cm to feet conversions
CentimetersFeetFeet and inches
160 cm5.25 ft5 ft. 3 in
161 cm5.28 ft5 ft. 3.4 in
162 cm5.31 ft5 ft. 3.8 in
163 cm5.35 ft5 ft. 4.2 in
164 cm5.38 ft5 ft. 4.6 in
165 cm5.41 ft5 ft. 5 in
166 cm5.45 ft5 ft. 5.4 in
167 cm5.48 ft5 ft. 5.7 in
168 cm5.51 ft5 ft. 6.1 in
169 cm5.54 ft5 ft. 6.5 in
170 cm5.58 ft5 ft. 6.9 in
171 cm5.61 ft5 ft. 7.3 in
172 cm5.64 ft5 ft. 7.7 in
173 cm5.68 ft5 ft. 8.1 in
174 cm5.71 ft5 ft. 8.5 in
175 cm5.74 ft5 ft. 8.9 in
176 cm5.77 ft5 ft. 9.3 in
177 cm5.81 ft5 ft. 9.7 in
178 cm5.84 ft5 ft. 10.1 in
179 cm5.87 ft5 ft. 10.5 in
180 cm5.91 ft5 ft. 10.9 in
181 cm5.94 ft5 ft. 11.3 in
182 cm5.97 ft5 ft. 11.7 in
183 cm6 ft6 ft. 0 in
184 cm6.04 ft6 ft. 0.4 in
185 cm6.07 ft6 ft. 0.8 in
186 cm6.1 ft6 ft. 1.2 in
187 cm6.14 ft6 ft. 1.6 in
188 cm6.17 ft6 ft. 2 in
189 cm6.2 ft6 ft. 2.4 in
190 cm6.23 ft6 ft. 2.8 in
191 cm6.27 ft6 ft. 3.2 in
192 cm6.3 ft6 ft. 3.6 in
193 cm6.33 ft6 ft. 4 in
194 cm6.36 ft6 ft. 4.4 in
195 cm6.4 ft6 ft. 4.8 in
196 cm6.43 ft6 ft. 5.2 in
197 cm6.46 ft6 ft. 5.6 in
198 cm6.5 ft6 ft. 6 in
199 cm6.53 ft6 ft. 6.3 in
200 cm6.56 ft6 ft. 6.7 in
Note: conversions are rounded to max 1 decimal place.
Feet to cm conversions
Feet and inchesFeetCentimeters
5 ft. 0 in5 ft152.4 cm
5 ft. 1 in5.08 ft154.94 cm
5 ft. 2 in5.17 ft157.48 cm
5 ft. 3 in5.25 ft160.02 cm
5 ft. 4 in5.33 ft162.56 cm
5 ft. 5 in5.42 ft165.1 cm
5 ft. 6 in5.5 ft167.64 cm
5 ft. 7 in5.58 ft170.18 cm
5 ft. 8 in5.67 ft172.72 cm
5 ft. 9 in5.75 ft175.26 cm
5 ft. 10 in5.83 ft177.8 cm
5 ft. 11 in5.92 ft180.34 cm
6 ft. 0 in6 ft182.88 cm
6 ft. 1 in6.08 ft185.42 cm
6 ft. 2 in6.17 ft187.96 cm
6 ft. 3 in6.25 ft190.5 cm
6 ft. 4 in6.33 ft193.04 cm
6 ft. 5 in6.42 ft195.58 cm
6 ft. 6 in6.5 ft198.12 cm
6 ft. 7 in6.58 ft200.66 cm
6 ft. 8 in6.67 ft203.2 cm
6 ft. 9 in6.75 ft205.74 cm
6 ft. 10 in6.83 ft208.28 cm
6 ft. 11 in6.92 ft210.82 cm
Note: conversions are rounded to 2 decimal places.

What is 180cm in feet and inches?

180cm is equal to 5 feet and 11 inches (5'11"), rounded to the nearest inch. There are 30.48 centimeters in one foot.

How to convert feet to cm

To convert feet to centimeters, multiply your feet figure by 30.48 (cm = feet × 30.48). To convert from feet and inches,convert your feet figure to inches first (multiply it by 12), add on the inches remainder and then multiply the result by 2.54.

Example conversion

Example: James is 5ft 10 inches tall. He wants to know how tall he is in centimeters. He can calculate as follows:

  1. Height in inches only = (5 feet × 12) + 10 = 70 inches.
  2. Height in cm = 70 inches × 2.54 = 177.8cm.
  3. James is 177.8cm tall.

How many cm is 5'7"?

5 feet 7 inches is equal to 170.18 centimeters. As there are 2.54 cm in an inch, we can calculate it byconverting to inches first: [(5 × 12)+7] × 2.54 = 170.18cm.

Related calculators

  • Meters to feet and inches
  • Height converter
  • Cm to inches

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Cm to Feet+Inches Converter (cm to ft) (2024)


Is 173 cm 5'7" or 5'8"? ›

1. Height And Weight Chart For Women
5′ 8″ (173 cm)126/154 lb (57.1/69.8 kg)
5′ 9″ (175 cm)131/160 lb (59.4/72.6 kg)
5′ 10″ (178 cm)135/165 lb (61.2/74.8 kg)
5′ 11″ (180 cm)140/171 lb (63.5/77.5 kg)
19 more rows
Jul 4, 2024

How tall is a 5 foot 1 person in cm? ›

154.94 cm

How do you convert cm to feet? ›

How to convert cm to foot value? To convert cm to foot, multiply the given cm value by 0.032808399 ft. For example 3 cm = 3 x 0.032808399, we get 0.0984251969 ft .

What is 5 ft 7 in inches into cm? ›

5 ft 7 in to Centimeters Height Conversion Chart
Feet & InchesCentimeters
5' 7"170.18 cm
5' 8"172.72 cm
5' 9"175.26 cm
5' 10"177.8 cm
7 more rows

Is 5'9" short for a guy? ›

The average height for men varies across the world. The average male is about 5 feet 9 inches tall in the United States.

Is 5 ft 8 tall or short? ›

No, 5'8” is about average for men.

The average height for adult men is actually 69 inches (180 cm), which translates to 5'9”. So, at 5'8”, you're taller than about 90% of women and about 45% of men.

Is 5 feet 1 inch good height for girl? ›

Based on the most recent available data, the average height of an American woman is slightly less than 5 feet 4 inches tall. The average heights of women worldwide range from just under 5 feet tall to around 5 feet 7 inches. Female height (and height in general) is primarily influenced by genetics.

How tall is 168 cm in feet for a female? ›

Therefore, 168 cm = 5 feet and 6.1416 inches, or reducing the decimals = 5 feet and 6 inches.

Is 150 cm 5 ft? ›

What is 150 cm in feet? 150 centimeters = 1.5 meters = 3.2808 x 1.50 feet = 4.9212 feet approximately.

Is 170 cm 5'7" or 5'6"? ›

170 cm is about 5′7″.

Is 171 cm 5'7" or 5'8"? ›

ok look, 171cm is 5'7.3, it is only 1cm away from being exactly 5'7 (170), so technically u are much closer to being 5'7 than 5'8 (173).

Is 167 cm 5 5 or 5 6? ›

167 cm is equal to 5 feet and 6 inches. This is a rudimentary conversion. A gazillion textbooks and Google have this info.

Is 5'7" tall for a girl? ›

I think 5'6 to 5'8 is considered average height for women

So, no, it's not “small” in either of those places.

Is 5.7 feet short for a guy? ›

Average height based on sex and age

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , in the United States, the average adult male is 5.7 feet (ft), or 175.2 cm, tall, and the average female is 5.3 ft, or 161.2 cm, tall.

Is 170 cm a good height? ›

According to a study published in the journal eLife, the average height of adult men and women worldwide in 2019 was approximately 171 centimetres (5 feet 7 inches) and 159 centimetres (5 feet 3 inches), respectively.

Is 170 cm 5 7 or 5 8? ›

If you are 170 cm, you are 5′7″ tall. The calculation comes out to 66.9291 in which is rounded off to 67 in, which equals 5′7″.

Is 174 cm 5 7 or 5 8? ›

If you measure your height in feet and inches, it would be assumed that you are measuring to the nearest inch. So your height is in the range 5 feet 8.5 inches (about 174 cm) to 5 feet 9.5 inches (about 176.5 cm). A similar amount of accuracy is cm, so drop the fractions of a cm. You are 174, 175 or 176 cm.

How tall am I if I'm 173 cm? ›

A height of 173 centimeters is approximately equivalent to 5 feet 8.11 inches. To convert 173 centimeters into feet and inches: Divide 173 by 30.48 to determine the number of feet: 173 cm / 30.48 cm/ft ≈ 5.67 feet.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.